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Create the aggregate if not exists



in my sql script I want to return with the last query some records. For that query I'm using a aggregate:

CREATE AGGREGATE array_agg_mult(anyarray) (
    SFUNC = array_cat,
    STYPE = anyarray,
    INITCOND = '{}'

So if I call the script twice I have to drop the aggregate at the end. But the script should end with a custom sql query. Is there a way to say something like CREATE OR REPLACE?

like image 288
StellaMaris Avatar asked Jun 02 '16 22:06


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2 Answers

You could simply DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS array_agg_mult(anyarray); prior to your CREATE AGGREGATE

Note that this may throw an error if you change the parameters/signature, so you'd need to adjust for that if you do.

Manual Reference: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-dropaggregate.html

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Nick Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09


CREATE AGGREGATE array_agg_mult(anyarray) (
    SFUNC = array_cat,
    STYPE = anyarray,
    INITCOND = '{}'
    WHEN duplicate_function THEN NULL;
END $$;

seems to work as well.

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ldav1s Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
