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Create spreadsheet using Google Spreadsheets API in Google Drive

I have successfully created a new worksheet in an existing spreadsheet of My Google Drive account through a simple Java code mentioned in Google's official documentation on Developer Guide Sheets API but want to create a new spreadsheet in my Google Drive account through Java code. In the link they didn't mention any sample code for that. I have already seen different methods available in Spreadservice class.

How to do this with Google Spreadsheets API?

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

import com.google.gdata.client.spreadsheet.*;
import com.google.gdata.data.Link;
import com.google.gdata.data.PlainTextConstruct;
import com.google.gdata.data.TextConstruct;
import com.google.gdata.data.docs.ExportFormat;
import com.google.gdata.data.spreadsheet.*;
import com.google.gdata.util.*;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.soap.Text;

     * @author satyam
    public class SpreadSheet {

        public static void main(String[] args)
                throws AuthenticationException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {

            SpreadsheetService service =   new SpreadsheetService("gBuddy");

            // TODO: Authorize the service object for a specific user (see other sections)
            String USERNAME = "USERNAME";
            String PASSWORD = "PASSWORD";

            service.setUserCredentials(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

            // Define the URL to request.  This should never change.

            // Make a request to the API and get all spreadsheets.
            SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.getFeed(SPREADSHEET_FEED_URL, SpreadsheetFeed.class);
            List<SpreadsheetEntry> spreadsheets = feed.getEntries();

            // Iterate through all of the spreadsheets returned
            for (SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet : spreadsheets) {
    //             Print the title of this spreadsheet to the screen;

            SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = spreadsheets.get(1);
    //        System.out.println(spreadsheet.getTitle().getPlainText());

    //        // Create a local representation of the new worksheet.
            WorksheetEntry worksheet = new WorksheetEntry();
            worksheet.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("New Worksheet"));

            // Send the local representation of the worksheet to the API for
            // creation.  The URL to use here is the worksheet feed URL of our
            // spreadsheet.
            URL worksheetFeedUrl = spreadsheet.getWorksheetFeedUrl();
            WorksheetEntry insert = service.insert(worksheetFeedUrl, worksheet);
like image 291
Satyam Koyani Avatar asked Oct 14 '13 13:10

Satyam Koyani

2 Answers

It's just simple after some research I found this answer. We cannot create a new spreadsheet in google drive with Google Spreadsheet API.

NOTE: we can create new worksheet in already exist spreadsheet of google drive through Google Spreadsheet API but cannot create a new spreadsheet with spreadsheet api.

For creating and uploading new Spreadsheet or any other kind of document which google drive supports we have to use Google Drive api.

This is what I am looking for. By this we can create a new spreadsheet in google drive using google drive api.

    DocsService docsService = new DocsService("MySampleApplication-v3");
    docsService.setUserCredentials(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
    URL GOOGLE_DRIVE_FEED_URL = new URL("https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/");
    DocumentListEntry documentListEntry = new com.google.gdata.data.docs.SpreadsheetEntry();
    documentListEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("Spreadsheet_name"));
    documentListEntry = docsService.insert(GOOGLE_DRIVE_FEED_URL, documentListEntry);

For creating a new spreadsheet we have to create new SpreadsheetEntry() object and for any other document we have to create new DocumentEntry() object.

NOW If we have to upload any kind of document(xls,doc,image etc) in google drive we can do like this

//File upload in google drive
        DocumentListEntry uploadFile = new DocumentListEntry();
        uploadFile.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("FILE_NAME_DISPLAY_IN_DRIVE"));
        uploadFile.setFile(new File("FILE_PATH"), "MIME_TYPE_OF_FILE");
        uploadFile = docsService.insert(GOOGLE_DRIVE_FEED_URL, uploadFile);
like image 52
Satyam Koyani Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Satyam Koyani

You should use the Google Documents List API to create new speadsheets.

What can this API do?

The Google Documents List API allows developers to create, retrieve, update, and delete Google Docs (including but not limited to text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and drawings), files, and collections. It also provides some advanced features like resource archives, Optical Character Recognition, translation, and revision history.

like image 37
Guillaume Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
