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Create Seamless Loop of Audio - Web


I want to create a seamless loop of an audio file. But in all approaches I used so far, there was a noticeable gap between end & start.

This is what I tried so far:

First approach was to use the audio in the HTML and it loops but there is still a noticeable delay when going from the end of the track to the beginning.

<audio loop autoplay>
    <source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

Then I tried it from JavaScript with the same result:

let myAudio = new Audio(file);
myAudio.loop = true; 

After that I tried this (according to this answer)

    function() {
        var buffer = .44;
        if (this.currentTime > this.duration - buffer) {
            this.currentTime = 0;

I played around with the buffer but I only got it to reduce the gap but not leave it out entirely.

I turned to the library SeamlessLoop (GitHub) and got it to work to loop seamlessly in Chromium browsers (but not in the latest Safari. Didn't test in other browsers). Code I used for that:

let loop = new SeamlessLoop();
// My File is 58 Seconds long. Btw there aren't any gaps in the file.
loop.addUri(file, 58000, 'sound1');
function soundsLoaded() {
    let n = 1;
    loop.start('sound' + n);

EDIT: I tried another approach: Looping it trough two different audio elements:

var current_player = "a";
var player_a = document.createElement("audio");
var player_b = document.createElement("audio");

player_a.src = "sounds/back_music.ogg";
player_b.src = player_a.src;

function loopIt(){
    var player = null;

    if(current_player == "a"){
        player = player_b;
        current_player = "b";
        player = player_a;
        current_player = "a";


        3104.897 is the length of the audio clip in milliseconds.
        Received from player.duration. 
        This is a different file than the first one
    setTimeout(loopIt, 3104.897); 


But as milliseconds in browsers are not consistent or granular enough this doesn't work too well but it does work much better than the normal "loop" property of the audio.

Can anyone guide me into the right direction to loop the audio seamlessly?