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create-react-app Typescript 3.5, Path Alias

I am trying to setup Path alias in my project by adding these values to tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {     "baseUrl": "src",     "paths": {       "@store/*": ["store/*"]     }, 

And if I create an import, neither IntelliJ or VSCode bother me:

import { AppState } from '@store/index'; 

But when I compile the application I get this warning:

The following changes are being made to your tsconfig.json file:   - compilerOptions.paths must not be set (aliased imports are not supported) 

And it bombs saying it cannot find the reference:

TypeScript error in C:/xyz.tsx(2,26): Cannot find module '/store'.  TS2307 

Is there any workaround or it is not supported by create-react-app --typescript?

like image 577
Raffaeu Avatar asked Jul 17 '19 06:07


2 Answers

In my case ,i solved this issue using craco and craco-alias

  1. Install craco and craco-alias npm install @craco/craco --save and npm i -D craco-alias

  2. Create tsconfig.paths.json in root directory

    {     "compilerOptions": {         "baseUrl": "./src",         "paths": {            "@components/*" : ["./components/*"]          }     } } 
  3. Extend tsconfig.paths.json in tsconfig.json

    {     "extends": "./tsconfig.paths.json",     //default configs... }  
  4. Create craco.config.js in root direcory

      const CracoAlias = require("craco-alias");    module.exports = {      plugins: [        {           plugin: CracoAlias,           options: {              source: "tsconfig",              // baseUrl SHOULD be specified              // plugin does not take it from tsconfig              baseUrl: "./src",              /* tsConfigPath should point to the file where "baseUrl" and "paths"               are specified*/              tsConfigPath: "./tsconfig.paths.json"           }        }     ]   }; 
  5. in package.json swap "start": "react-scripts start" with "start": "craco start"

like image 93
Иван Яковлев Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

Иван Яковлев

The alias solution for craco or rewired create-react-app is react-app-alias for systems as: craco, react-app-rewired, customize-cra

According docs of mentioned systems replace react-scripts in package.json and configure next:


// config-overrides.js const {aliasWebpack, aliasJest} = require('react-app-alias')  const options = {} // default is empty for most cases  module.exports = aliasWebpack(options) module.exports.jest = aliasJest(options) 


// craco.config.js const {CracoAliasPlugin} = require('react-app-alias')  module.exports = {   plugins: [     {       plugin: CracoAliasPlugin,       options: {}     }   ] } 


Configure aliases in json like this:

// tsconfig.paths.json {   "compilerOptions": {     "baseUrl": ".",     "paths": {       "example/*": ["example/src/*"],       "@library/*": ["library/src/*"]     }   } } 

And add this file in extends section of main typescript config file:

// tsconfig.json {   "extends": "./tsconfig.paths.json",   // ... } 
like image 22
oklas Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
