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Create PDF thumbnail with Imagick and write to file

I'm trying to create a pdf thumbnail with Imagick and save it on the server in the same location as the pdf. The code below works fine as is. The problem is that I don't want to echo the image. But if I remove the echo statement, the resulting jpg file contains errors and is unreadable. How can I create the thumbnail and write to a file without sending it to the browser?

$pdfThumb = new \imagick();
$pdfThumb->setResolution(10, 10);
$pdfThumb->readImage($filePath . $fileName . $fileExt . '[0]');
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
echo $pdfThumb;
$fp = fopen($filePath . $fileName . '.jpg', "x");

DaGhostman Dimitrov provided some helpful code on #16606642, but it doesn't work for me for some reason.

like image 946
IBNets Avatar asked Jun 03 '16 18:06


2 Answers

I would try:

$pdfThumb = new imagick();
$pdfThumb->setResolution(10, 10);
$pdfThumb->readImage($filePath . $fileName . $fileExt . '[0]');
$fp = $filePath . $fileName . '.jpg';
like image 126
Bonzo Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


Bonzo's answer requires imagick on the webserver. If imagick is not on the webserver you can try to execute imagemagick from the commandline by php command exec():

exec('convert -thumbnail  "178^>" -background white -alpha remove -crop 178x178+0+0 my_pdf.pdf[0] my_pdf.png')

And if you like to convert all pdfs in one step from same folder where your script is located try this:

exec('for f in *.pdf; do convert -thumbnail  "178^>" -background white -alpha remove -crop 178x178+0+0 "$f"[0] "${f%.pdf}.png"; done');

In this examples I create a png thumbnail 178x178 pixel from the first page (my_pdf.pdf[0] the 0 means first pdf page).

like image 38
Christian Michael Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Christian Michael