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Create node list from a single node in JavaScript

This is one of those it seems so simple, but I cannot come up with a good way to go about it.

I have a node, maybe nodelist = document.getElementById("mydiv"); - I need to normalize this to a node list. And not an array either: an actual, bona-fide nodeList object.

Not nodelist = [document.getElementById("mydiv")];

No libraries, please.

like image 971
Randy Hall Avatar asked Nov 12 '12 21:11

Randy Hall

People also ask

How do I get the elements of a NodeList?

NodeList items can only be accessed by their index number. An HTMLCollection is always a live collection. Example: If you add a <li> element to a list in the DOM, the list in the HTMLCollection will also change. A NodeList is most often a static collection.

What is a live NodeList?

From MDN for NodeList: In some cases, the NodeList is a live collection, which means that changes in the DOM are reflected in the collection. For example, Node.childNodes is live: var parent = document. getElementById('parent'); var child_nodes = parent. childNodes; console.

Is a NodeList an array?

Note: Although NodeList is not an Array , it is possible to iterate over it with forEach() . It can also be converted to a real Array using Array.

1 Answers

Take any element already referenced in JavaScript, give it an attribute we can find using a selector, find it as a list, remove the attribute, return the list.

function toNodeList(elm){
    var list;
    list = document.querySelectorAll('[wrapNodeList]');
    return list;

Extended from bfavaretto's answer.

function toNodeList(elm, context){
    var list, df;
    context = context // context provided
           || elm.parentNode; // element's parent
    if(!context && elm.ownerDocument){ // is part of a document
        if(elm === elm.ownerDocument.documentElement || elm.ownerDocument.constructor.name === 'DocumentFragment'){ // is <html> or in a fragment
            context = elm.ownerDocument;
    if(!context){ // still no context? do David Thomas' method
        df = document.createDocumentFragment();
        list = df.childNodes;
        // df.removeChild(elm); // NodeList is live, removeChild empties it
        return list;
    // selector method
    list = context.querySelectorAll('[wrapNodeList]');
    return list;

There is another way to do this I thought of recently

var _NodeList = (function () {
    var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    fragment.appendChild(document.createComment('node shadows me'));
    function NodeList (node) {
        this[0] = node;
    NodeList.prototype = (function (proto) {
        function F() {} // Object.create shim
        F.prototype = proto;
        return new F();
    NodeList.prototype.item = function item(i) {
        return this[+i || 0];
    return NodeList;


var list = new _NodeList(document.body); // note **new**
list.constructor === NodeList; // all these are true
list instanceof NodeList;
list.length === 1;
list[0] === document.body;
list.item(0) === document.body;
like image 137
Paul S. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10

Paul S.