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Create Linux install for Qt application

I just made a great program with Qt Creator. I'm very pleased with myself. How do I move it from my desktop to my laptop?

So, the best way would be an installer right? And for Ubuntu, that's a debian package right?

How do I do that? Has someone done this and could they share the template files for QT 4.5?



like image 455
Michael Avatar asked Oct 29 '09 09:10


1 Answers

If you want to run the application foo you created on the machine desktop on another machine laptop, then simply

  1. copy the binary, for example via scp
  2. run ldd foo on laptop
  3. install the library package for all missing libaries
  4. go back to 2. and repeat until you have missing libaries.

This can be done in minutes.

A Debian package would automate steps 2) and 3) and provide you Depends: so that upon installation proper libraries are added, if needed. But if you just want to go from one machine to another (using the same distro) then creating a package is overkill.

like image 66
Dirk Eddelbuettel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09

Dirk Eddelbuettel