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Create Items from 3 collections using Linq




I've 3 collections with exactly the same items count.

I need to create a new collection based on these 3 collections item values.

Exemple :

List<double> list1;
List<double> list2;
List<double> list3;

List<Item> list4;

public class Item
   public double Value1{get;set;}
   public double Value2{get;set;}
   public double Value3{get;set;}

I try to achieve this using Linq.

I tried :

    var query = from pt in list1
                from at in list2
                from ct in list3
                select new Item
                               Value1 = pt,
                               Value2 = at,
                               Value3 = ct

But i got a OutOfMemoryException, my 3 lists are huge.

Any help ?

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Yoann. B Avatar asked Mar 12 '11 17:03

Yoann. B

5 Answers

Here is a simplified version which takes any number of sequences (as an array) of the same type and zips them together:

public static IEnumerable<TResult> Zip<T, TResult>(this IEnumerable<T>[] sequences, Func<T[], TResult> resultSelector)
    var enumerators = sequences.Select(s => s.GetEnumerator()).ToArray();
    while(enumerators.All(e => e.MoveNext()))
        yield return resultSelector(enumerators.Select(e => e.Current).ToArray());


  • any number of sequences
  • four lines of code
  • another overload for LINQ .Zip() method
  • zips all sequences at once instead of chaining .Zip to add one more sequence each time


  • same type required for all sequences (not a problem in many situations)
  • no checking for same list length (add a line if you need it)


Zipping colors

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Robert Synoradzki Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Robert Synoradzki

Since you're talking about List<T> (which has a fast indexer), and you provide the guarantee that all three lists are of the same length, the easiest way would be:

var items = from index in Enumerable.Range(0, list1.Count)
            select new Item
                Value1 = list1[index],
                Value2 = list2[index],
                Value3 = list3[index]

This approach obviously won't work well with collections that don't support fast indexers. A more general approach would be to write a Zip3 method, such as the one that comes with the F# Collections.Seq module: Seq.zip3<'T1,'T2,'T3>. Otherwise, you could chain two Enumerable.Zip calls together to produce similar behaviour (as mentioned in other answers), although this does look quite ugly.

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Ani Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


You could zip them together - this is zipping up first list2 and list3, then zips the combined list together with list1:

list4 = list1.Zip(list2.Zip(list3, (b, c) => new { b, c }),
                  (a, b) => new Item { Value1 = a, Value2 = b.b, Value3 = b.c })
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BrokenGlass Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09


The concept of mapping sequences or lists into the arguments of functions originated in the LISP programming language, a bit over 50 years ago. In LISP it is trivial because of its untyped and list-oriented nature. But, doing it in a strongly-typed language is difficult, at least in terms of solving the general problem of mapping n sequences to a function that takes n arguments.

Here's a feeble stab at what should accommodate most needs:

// Methods that work like LISP's (mapcar) when used with
// more than 1 list argument (2 to 4 included here, add
// versions for more arguments as needed).
// The methods will only yield as many results as there
// are elements in the argument sequence that yields the
// fewest elements, in cases where argument sequences do
// not all yield the same number of elements (which is
// the same behavior as their LISP counterpart).
// An interesting twist, is that we make these methods
// extension methods of the invoked function, because it
// doesn't seem natural to make one of the sequences of
// arguments the target.
// Nonetheless, they can still be called as non-extension
// methods through the declaring type:
// (Untested):
//   string[] fruit = new string[]
//      {"apples", "oranges", "pears", "banannas"};
//   double[] prices = new double[] {1.25, 1.50, 1.00, 0.75};
//   int[] amounts = new int[] {12, 8, 24, 5};
//   Func<int, string, double, string> func =
//     ( amount, name, price ) => string.Format(
//        "{{0} lbs. of {1} @ ${2:F2} / lb. = ${3:F2}",
//         amount, name, price, amount * price );
//   var invoice = func.Map( amounts, fruit, prices );
//   foreach( string item in invoice )
//      Console.WriteLine( item );
// It's also worth noting that CLR 3.5 introduces the
// "Zip" extension method, that allows mapping of two
// sequences to a function taking two arguments, but
// without some wild contortion involving currying and
// multiple calls to Zip, it can't solve the general
// problem (mapping n sequences to a function taking
// that many arguments).

public static class Sequence
  // Map elements of 2 sequences to the arguments of
  // a function taking 2 args, and return results:

  public static IEnumerable<T> Map<A1, A2, T>(
    this Func<A1, A2, T> func,
    IEnumerable<A1> a1,
    IEnumerable<A2> a2 )
    using( IEnumerator<A1> e1 = a1.GetEnumerator() )
    using( IEnumerator<A2> e2 = a2.GetEnumerator() )
      IEnumerator[] args = new IEnumerator[] {e1, e2};
      while( args.TrueForAll( e => e.MoveNext() ) )
        yield return func( e1.Current, e2.Current );

  // 3 arguments

  public static IEnumerable<T> Map<A1, A2, A3, T>( this
    this Func<A1, A2, A3, T> func,
    IEnumerable<A1> a1,
    IEnumerable<A2> a2,
    IEnumerable<A3> a3 )
    using( IEnumerator<A1> e1 = a1.GetEnumerator() )
    using( IEnumerator<A2> e2 = a2.GetEnumerator() )
    using( IEnumerator<A3> e3 = a3.GetEnumerator() )
      IEnumerator[] args = new IEnumerator[] {e1, e2, e3};
      while( args.TrueForAll( e => e.MoveNext() ) )
        yield return func( e1.Current, e2.Current, e3.Current );

  // 4 arguments

  public static IEnumerable<T> Map<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>(
    this Func<A1, A2, A3, A4, T> func,
    IEnumerable<A1> a1,
    IEnumerable<A2> a2,
    IEnumerable<A3> a3,
    IEnumerable<A4> a4 )
    using( IEnumerator<A1> e1 = a1.GetEnumerator() )
    using( IEnumerator<A2> e2 = a2.GetEnumerator() )
    using( IEnumerator<A3> e3 = a3.GetEnumerator() )
    using( IEnumerator<A4> e4 = a4.GetEnumerator() )
      IEnumerator[] args = new IEnumerator[] {e1, e2, e3, e4};
      while( args.TrueForAll( e => e.MoveNext() ) )
        yield return func( e1.Current, e2.Current, e3.Current, e4.Current );
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Tony Tanzillo Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Tony Tanzillo

a little shabby but this should work.

  List<Item> list4 =
            list1.Select((l1i, i) => new Item {Value1 = l1i, Value2 = list2[i], Value3 = list3[i]}).ToList();
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Bala R Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Bala R