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Create groups on base of the non-zero filled columns combination



i am having a hard time to solve this problem. Im going to explain it the best on base of the example, lets have a look at the data below:

    order type_a type_b type_c type_d
1     1      0     50     10      0
2     2     10      0      0     80
3     3     15      0      0     35
4     4      0      0     30      0
5     5      0     20     40      0

and dput:

data <- structure(list(order = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), type_a = c(0, 10, 15, 
0, 0), type_b = c(50, 0, 0, 0, 20), type_c = c(10, 0, 0, 30, 
40), type_d = c(0, 80, 35, 0, 0)), .Names = c("order", "type_a", 
"type_b", "type_c", "type_d"), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")

We can see that the first column tells us the order number, the rest of the columns tell us what belongs to this order. Additionally if the type_* column is filled with 0, then it is not relevant.

I would like to create a new column that defines groups based on "order description" --> type_* columns. For example for order 1 & order 5, we have same type_* columns filled with no 0 values, therefore they belong to the same group, same is for order 2 & 3, etc.

My final result should look like this:

   order type_a type_b type_c type_d   group
1     1      0     50     10      0 group_1
2     2     10      0      0     80 group_2
3     3     15     10      0     35 group_2
4     4      0      0     30      0 group_3
5     5      0     20     40      0 group_1

Just for your information, in my real data i do have more then 4 columns type_* --> there is about 10-15 of them!

Thanks for help!

like image 954
Mal_a Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 20:12


1 Answers

Your groups are defined by the presence or absence of 0 in columns 2 to 5. Test for 0, collapse the TRUE/FALSE values as a string and you get a unique string for each group. Convert to a factor:

> data$group = factor(apply(data[,2:5] ==0,1,paste,collapse=""))
> data
  order type_a type_b type_c type_d              group
1     1      0     50     10      0 TRUEFALSEFALSETRUE
2     2     10      0      0     80 FALSETRUETRUEFALSE
3     3     15      0      0     35 FALSETRUETRUEFALSE
4     4      0      0     30      0  TRUETRUEFALSETRUE
5     5      0     20     40      0 TRUEFALSEFALSETRUE

Now the names are ugly, so change the levels:

> class(data$group)
[1] "factor"
> levels(data$group)=paste("group_",1:length(levels(data$group)))
> data
  order type_a type_b type_c type_d    group
1     1      0     50     10      0 group_ 2
2     2     10      0      0     80 group_ 1
3     3     15      0      0     35 group_ 1
4     4      0      0     30      0 group_ 3
5     5      0     20     40      0 group_ 2

If all those capital TRUEFALSE hurts your eyes, a simple fix will make a neat binary number:

> data$group = factor(apply(0+(data[,2:5] ==0),1,paste,collapse=""))
> data
  order type_a type_b type_c type_d group
1     1      0     50     10      0  1001
2     2     10      0      0     80  0110
3     3     15      0      0     35  0110
4     4      0      0     30      0  1101
5     5      0     20     40      0  1001
like image 78
Spacedman Avatar answered May 30 '23 05:05
