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Create GroupBy Statements Dynamically




I am trying to dynamically re-structure some data to be shown in a treeview which will allows the user to select up to three of the following dimensions to group the data by:


So for example, if the user were to select that they wanted to group by Company then Site then Division...the following code would perform the required groupings.

var entities = orgEntities
// Grouping Level 1
.GroupBy(o => new { o.CompanyID, o.CompanyName })
.Select(grp1 => new TreeViewItem
        CompanyID = grp1.Key.CompanyID,
        DisplayName = grp1.Key.CompanyName,
        ItemTypeEnum = TreeViewItemType.Company,
        SubItems = grp1
               // Grouping Level 2
               .GroupBy(o => new { o.SiteID, o.SiteName })
               .Select(grp2 => new TreeViewItem
               SiteID = grp2.Key.SiteID,
               DisplayName = grp2.Key.SiteName,
               ItemTypeEnum = TreeViewItemType.Site,
               SubItems = grp2
                  // Grouping Level 3
                  .GroupBy(o => new { o.Division })
                  .Select(grp3 => new TreeViewItem
                      DisplayName = grp3.Key.Division,
                      ItemTypeEnum = TreeViewItemType.Division,

This would give a structre like this:

+ Company A
  + Site A
    + Division 1
    + Division 2
  + Site B
    + Division 1
+ Company B
  + Site C
    + Division 2
+ Company C
  + Site D

However, this only provides me with on of a large number of combinations.

How would I go about converting this into something that could create the equivalent expression dynamically based on the three dimensions that the user has chosen and so I don't have to create one of each of these expressions for each combination!!?

Thanks guys.

like image 917
Richard Hooper Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 17:10

Richard Hooper

1 Answers

An intriguing problem. Choosing a single type for grouping keys and another type for results... makes it is very possible to get what you're asking for.

public struct EntityGroupKey
  public int ID {get;set;}
  public string Name {get;set;}

public class EntityGrouper
  public Func<Entity, EntityGroupKey> KeySelector {get;set;}
  public Func<EntityGroupKey, TreeViewItem> ResultSelector {get;set;}
  public EntityGrouper NextGrouping {get;set;} //null indicates leaf level

  public List<TreeViewItem> GetItems(IEnumerable<Entity> source)
    var query =
      from x in source
      group x by KeySelector(x) into g
      let subItems = NextGrouping == null ?
        new List<TreeViewItem>() :
      select new { Item = ResultSelector(g.Key), SubItems = subItems };

    List<TreeViewItem> result = new List<TreeViewItem>();
    foreach(var queryResult in query)
          // wire up the subitems
      queryResult.Item.SubItems = queryResult.SubItems 
    return result;


Used in this way:

EntityGrouper companyGrouper = new EntityGrouper()
  KeySelector = o => new EntityGroupKey() {ID = o.CompanyID, Name = o.CompanyName},
  ResultSelector = key => new TreeViewItem
    CompanyID = key.ID,
    DisplayName = key.Name,
    ItemTypeEnum = TreeViewItemType.Company

EntityGrouper divisionGrouper = new EntityGrouper()
  KeySelector = o => new EntityGroupKey() {ID = 0, Name = o.Division},
  ResultSelector = key => new TreeViewItem
    DisplayName = key.Name,
    ItemTypeEnum = TreeViewItemType.Division

companyGrouper.NextGrouping = divisionGrouper;

List<TreeViewItem> oneWay = companyGrouper.GetItems(source);

companyGrouper.NextGrouping = null;
divisionGrouper.NextGrouping = companyGrouper;

List<TreeViewItem> otherWay = divisionGrouper.GetItems(source);
like image 130
Amy B Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10

Amy B