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Create function call dynamically in C++

Hello people I hope you an help me out with this problem:

I am currently implementing an interpreter for a scripting language. The language needs a native call interface to C functions, like java has JNI. My problem is, that i want to call the original C functions without writing a wrapper function, which converts the call stack of my scripting language into the C call stack. This means, that I need a way, to generate argument lists of C functions at runtime. Example:

void a(int a, int b) {
    printf("function a called %d", a + b);

void b(double a, int b, double c) {
    printf("function b called %f", a * b + c);

interpreter.registerNativeFunction("a", a);
interpreter.registerNativeFunction("b", b);

The interpreter should be able to call the functions, with only knowing the function prototypes of my scripting language: native void a(int a, int b); and native void b(double a, int b, double c);

Is there any way to generate a C function call stack in C++, or do I have to use assembler for this task. Assembler is a problem, because the interpreter should run on almost any platform.

Edit: The solution is to use libffi, a library, which handles the call stack creation for many different platforms and operating systems. libffi is also used by some prominent language implementations like cpython and openjdk.

Edit: @MatsPetersson Somewhere in my code I have a method like:

void CInterpreter::CallNativeFunction(string name, vector<IValue> arguments, IReturnReference ret) {
    // Call here correct native C function.
    // this.nativeFunctions is a map which contains the function pointers.

Edit: Thanks for all your help! I will stay with libffi, and test it on all required platforms.

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ruabmbua Avatar asked Oct 26 '14 16:10


1 Answers

Yes we can. No FFI library needed, no restriction to C calls, only pure C++11.

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/any.hpp>

template <typename T>
auto fetch_back(T& t) -> typename std::remove_reference<decltype(t.back())>::type
    typename std::remove_reference<decltype(t.back())>::type ret = t.back();
    return ret;

template <typename X>
struct any_ref_cast
    X do_cast(boost::any y)
        return boost::any_cast<X>(y);

template <typename X>
struct any_ref_cast<X&>
    X& do_cast(boost::any y)
        std::reference_wrapper<X> ref = boost::any_cast<std::reference_wrapper<X>>(y);
        return ref.get();

template <typename X>
struct any_ref_cast<const X&>
    const X& do_cast(boost::any y)
        std::reference_wrapper<const X> ref = boost::any_cast<std::reference_wrapper<const X>>(y);
        return ref.get();

template <typename Ret, typename...Arg>
Ret call (Ret (*func)(Arg...), std::list<boost::any> args)
    if (sizeof...(Arg) != args.size())
        throw "Argument number mismatch!";

    return func(any_ref_cast<Arg>().do_cast(fetch_back(args))...);

int foo(int x, double y, const std::string& z, std::string& w)
    std::cout << "foo called : " << x << " " << y << " " << z << " " << w << std::endl;
    return 42;

Test drive:

int main ()
    std::list<boost::any> args;
    const std::string yyy("abc");
    std::string zzz("123");
    call(foo, args);

Exercise for the reader: implement registerNativeFunction in three easy steps.

  1. Create an abstract base class with a pure call method that accepts a list of boost::any, call it AbstractFunction
  2. Create a variadic class template that inherits AbstractFunction and adds a pointer to a concrete-type function (or std::function). Implement call in terms of that function.
  3. Create an map<string, AbstractFunction*> (use smart pointers actually).

Drawback: totally cannot call variadic C-style functions (e.g. printf and friends) with this method. There is also no support for implicit argument conversions. If you pass an int to a function that requires a double, it will throw an exception (which is slightly better than a core dump you can get with a dynamic solution). It is possible to partially solve this for a finite fixed set of conversions by specializing any_ref_cast.

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n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m.