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Create directory tree in Perl that would comply with Fancytree expected JSON format

How to create directory tree in Perl to comply with Fancytree expected JSON format?

This is the Perl part I came up with, that traverses through given path:

sub get_tree
    my ($gpath) = @_;
    my %r;

    use File::Find;
    my $c = sub {
        my $dir  = $File::Find::dir;
        my $r    = \%r;

        my $tdir = $dir;
        $tdir    =~ s|^\Q$gpath\E/?||;

        $r = $r->{$_} ||= {} for split m|/|, $tdir;
    find($c, $gpath);
    return \%r;

It returns the following result after JSON encode:






The expected result for Fancytree to comply with its JSON format is:

    {"parent": "dir3"},
    {"parent": "dir2", "child": [
       {"parent": "sub-dir1", "child": [
          {"parent": "sub-sub-dir1", "child": [
             {"parent": "sub-sub-sub-dir1"}
    {"parent": "dir1", "child": [
       {"parent": "sub-dir1"},
       {"parent": "sub-dir1"}

The point is to do it in a single run, without post processing, which would be ideal.

Any help of how to achieve that?

like image 344
Ilia Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 15:03


2 Answers

You can try,

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

sub get_tree {
    my ($gpath) = @_;
    my %r;
    my @root;

    use File::Find;
    my $cb = sub {

        my $tdir = $File::Find::dir;
        $tdir    =~ s|^\Q$gpath\E/?||;
        return if $r{$tdir} or !$tdir;

        my ($pdir, $cdir) = $tdir =~ m|^ (.+) / ([^/]+) \z|x;
        my $c = $r{$tdir} = { parent => $cdir // $tdir };

        if (defined $pdir) { push @{ $r{$pdir}{child} }, $c }
        else { push @root, $c }

    find($cb, $gpath);
    return \@root;

It uses hash for fast lookup of nodes, and complete directory structure is built atop of @root.

like image 183
mpapec Avatar answered May 12 '23 17:05


Using recursion instead of File::Find, using Path::Tiny to handle paths:

use warnings;
use strict;

use Path::Tiny;
sub get_tree {
    my ($struct, $root, @path) = @_;
    for my $child (path($root, @path)->children) {
        if (-d $child) {
            my $base = $child->basename;
            push @$struct, { parent => $base };
            my $recurse = get_tree($struct->[-1]{child} = [],
                                   $root, @path, $base);
            delete $struct->[-1]{child} unless @$recurse;
    return $struct

use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::Deep;

my $expected = bag({parent => 'dir1',
                    child => bag(
                        {parent => 'sub-dir1'},
                        {parent => 'sub-dir2'})},
                   {parent => 'dir2',
                    child => bag(
                       {parent => 'sub-dir1',
                        child  => bag({
                           parent => 'sub-sub-dir1',
                           child  => bag({
                               parent => 'sub-sub-sub-dir1'
                   {parent => 'dir3'});

my $tree = get_tree([], 'paths');
cmp_deeply $tree, $expected, 'same';
like image 27
choroba Avatar answered May 12 '23 18:05
