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Create direct url to LinkedIn company update




I'm implementing a Compony newsfeed on a website and ran into the following problem. The LinkedIn API doesn't provide a direct URL to a company update. Looking at the LinkedIn site there are direct URL's and they're like this for example: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1441/comments?topic=5849556347070205952&type=U&scope=1441&stype=C&a=5uHW&goback=%2Ebzo_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_1441

Trying stuff out it seems that the parameters topic, type, scope, stype and a are mandatory for the URL to work.. (goback is the only one that isn't).

Using the LinkedIn API with the Company updates call I'm able to buid the direct url, except for the a parameter. The value is always 4 (for me unexplainable) characters long.

Has anyone ever successfully build a direct URL to a company update or can someone maybe explain the a parameter or how to generate its value?

like image 238
PieterAelse Avatar asked Apr 07 '14 14:04


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1 Answers

Updated to new format

You can link directly to any update (company or user) using the following url:


You can get [topic_id] by getting the last bit of the updateKey in the api response from Linkedin. When updateKey = UPDATE-c7352-6410848097894756353, your topic_id = 6410848097894756353.

In your example that would become https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:5849556347070205952 which links directly to the specific update. The post is too old to work with the new link format

The url used to be


Updated thanks to the comment from @sethpollack

like image 88
Daan Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10
