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Create date from day, month, year fields in MySQL

I am currently developing an application that displays documents and allows the members to search for these documents by a number of different parameters, one of them being date range.

The problem I am having is that the database schema was not developed by myself and the creator of the database has created a 'date' table with fields for 'day','month','year'.

I would like to know how I can select a specific day, month, year from the table and create a date object in SQL so that I can compare dates input by the user using BETWEEN.

Below is the structure of the date table:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `date` (   `deposition_id` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '',   `day` int(2) default NULL,   `month` int(2) default NULL,   `year` int(4) default NULL,   PRIMARY KEY  (`deposition_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 
like image 612
TGuimond Avatar asked Oct 18 '10 14:10


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You can use now() with default auto fill and current date and time for this. Later, you can extract the date part using date() function. Let us set the default value with some date.

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2 Answers

When you have integer values for year, month and day you can make a DATETIME by combining MAKEDATE() and DATE_ADD(). MAKEDATE() with a constant day of 1 will give you a DATETIME for the first day of the given year, and then you can add to it the month and day with DATE_ADD():

mysql> SELECT MAKEDATE(2013, 1); +-------------------+ | MAKEDATE(2013, 1) | +-------------------+ | 2013-01-01        | +-------------------+  mysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH); +---------------------------------------------------+ | DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH) | +---------------------------------------------------+ | 2013-03-01                                        | +---------------------------------------------------+  mysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH), INTERVAL (11)-1 DAY); | DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH), INTERVAL (11)-1 DAY) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2013-03-11                                                                       | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

So to answer the OP's question:

SELECT * FROM `date` WHERE DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(year, 1), INTERVAL (month)-1 MONTH), INTERVAL (day)-1 DAY) BETWEEN '2013-01-01' AND '2014-01-01'; 
like image 68
Joe Holt Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Joe Holt

You can use STR_TO_DATE() function.

like image 44
Sachin Shanbhag Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Sachin Shanbhag