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Create CSV file using PHP and save it into directory



I am new to PHP. I was creating a script which should create a csv file with some data from my database and save it into a directory on my server.

I somehow done it but this file is always downloading. I dont want it to download. It should just save onto a directory.

Here is the full code for your help.

Please help me on this.

mysql_connect( "$MYSQL_HOST", "$MYSQL_USERNAME", "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" ) or die( mysql_error( ) );
mysql_select_db( "$MYSQL_DATABASE") or die( mysql_error( $conn ) );

$csv_filename = $filename."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i",time()).".csv";

header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");

$sql = "SELECT * FROM $MYSQL_TABLE where cDate='$today'";



$fileContent="Beneficiary Name,Beneficiary Account No,Beneficiary Bank Code,Transaction Amount,Narration\n";
    $fileContent.= "".$data['customer_id'].",".$data['oNum'].","."$today".",".$data['cShipService']." ".$data['cShipMethod'].",".$data['cEmail'].",".$data['ccType'].",".$data['cShipInstruct'].",".$data['cShipFname']." ".$data['cShipLname']."\n";

    echo $fileContent;
header("content-disposition: attachment;filename=$csv_filename"); ?> 
like image 379
user1667374 Avatar asked Sep 13 '12 02:09


1 Answers

  1. If you don't want to download the results, get rid of the headers.

  2. After this line:

    $csv_filename = $filename."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i",time()).".csv";


    $fd = fopen ($csv_filename, "w");
  3. Instead of:

    echo $fileContent;


    fputs($fd, $fileContent);
  4. Don't forget to close your file

like image 195
Hernan Velasquez Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10

Hernan Velasquez