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Create Azure Media Services Asset for a blob already in it's associated storage account

Is it possible to create a Media Services asset and Sas Locator for video files that already exists in Azure Blob Storage? The storage account is the same one that is associated with that Media Services account. Assets.Create() creates a container for each video file. I have several hundred related video clips per container. I would like to create AccessPolicies for them and a locator so that the URL to the assets can be protected. The same AccessPolicies would apply to the entire container of video clips. This way I could delete the container and get rid of 100 blobs at once.

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jbraun Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 06:11


1 Answers

The logic behind the Asset.create() will creat a container for each file because it might generate multiple files per Asset When you transcode the video using Media services the service will prepare a new file for optional streaming and or multi bitrate So you might end with 10 files per Asset If you do it with out a container you will end up with a crazy mass in your container

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Rachel Yehezkel Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 03:01

Rachel Yehezkel