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Create and lookup 2D dictionary with multiple keys per value

I think I want to make a 2D dictionary with multiple keys per value.

I know how to make a 2D dictionary using defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict
2d_dict = defaultdict(dict)

2d_dict['canned_food']['spam'] = 'delicious'

And I know that using regular dictionaries you can make with multiple keys like:


But I want to do something like lookup by tuple-of-keys:

2d_dict[('canned_food','food')]['spam'] = 'delicious'

In the first dimension of dictionary I need ~25 keys per value. Is there a way to do this with defaultdict?

Even if there is a way to do it with dicts is this a reasonable way to make a simple multidimensional lookup table?

like image 471
Keith Avatar asked Nov 10 '12 21:11


People also ask

How do you create a dictionary using multiple values?

In python, if we want a dictionary in which one key has multiple values, then we need to associate an object with each key as value. This value object should be capable of having various values inside it. We can either use a tuple or a list as a value in the dictionary to associate multiple values with a key.

How do you add multiple key value pairs to a dictionary?

In Python, we can add multiple key-value pairs to an existing dictionary. This is achieved by using the update() method. This method takes an argument of type dict or any iterable that has the length of two - like ((key1, value1),) , and updates the dictionary with new key-value pairs.

Can Python dictionaries have multiple values per key?

General Idea: In Python, if we want a dictionary to have multiple values for a single key, we need to store these values in their own container within the dictionary. To do so, we need to use a container as a value and add our multiple values to that container. Common containers are lists, tuples, and sets.

Can dictionary can have two same keys with different values?

This question already has answers here:You can't. Keys have to be unique.

1 Answers

Apart from 2d_dict being an invalid variable name (it starts with a digit), your existing solution already works:

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d2_dict = defaultdict(dict)
>>> d2_dict[('canned_food', 'food')]['spam'] = 'delicious'
>>> d2_dict
defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {('canned_food', 'food'): {'spam': 'delicious'}})

In fact, you don't even need the parentheses - Python will still recognise your key as a tuple:

>>> d2_dict['fresh_food', 'food']['eggs'] = 'delicious'
>>> d2_dict
defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {('canned_food', 'food'): {'spam': 'delicious'},
('fresh_food', 'food'): {'eggs': 'delicious'}})

... and, yes, it's a perfectly reasonable way to build a 2D+1D lookup table.

If you want to build a 3D lookup table using nested dicts instead of tuple keys, this works:

>>> d3_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
>>> d3_dict['dried_food']['food']['jerky'] = 'chewy'
>>> d3_dict
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x7f20af38a2a8>, 
{'dried_food': defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {'food': {'jerky': 'chewy'}})})
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Zero Piraeus Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09

Zero Piraeus