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create an email drop box with php, javascript etc

I am in the midst of creating an online contact management tool for users to manage contacts and clients. I am trying to develop a solution where the user will add a BCC or CC in any email client like this:


and my app will grab the recipients to address information email, name, etc and my backend script will grab the data, look to see if this exist and if not add this into the database.

Where I am challenged is how to get the data from an email to php or java... Any thoughts?

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Greg Burris Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 12:11

Greg Burris

1 Answers

How about something like this which you can use to parse the received email headers and grab the recipient information as well as attachments, etc:


That also links to some other articles on how to actually 'receive' emails with php.

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okyanet Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
