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Create a popup dialog box interactive





I was wondering if it is possible to create a popup dialog box interactive by using shiny (and shinyBS).

For example, I have a string and I want to change it and before doing a dialog box shows up asking if I really want to change it. In case I say "yes", it does it otherwise it discards the change. Here's my try but I found two issues: 1. if you click "yes" or "no", nothing changes 2. you always need to close the box by the bottom "close".

rm(list = ls())

name <- "myname"

ui =fluidPage(
  textInput("newName", "Name of variable:", name),
  actionButton("BUTnew", "Change"),
  bsModal("modalnew", "Change name", "BUTnew", size = "small",
          actionButton("BUTyes", "Yes"),
          actionButton("BUTno", "No")
server = function(input, output, session) {
  output$curName <- renderText({paste0("Current name: ", name)})

  observeEvent(input$BUTnew, {
    output$textnew <- renderText({paste0("Do you want to change the name?")})

  observeEvent(input$BUTyes, {
    name <- input$newName
runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))

Other proposals are more than welcome!!

like image 794
Stefano Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 14:01


People also ask

How do I add a dialog box to a form?

Use the following procedure to create a custom dialog box: Create a User Form. On the Insert menu in the Visual Basic Editor, click UserForm. Add Controls to a User Form. Find the control you want to add in the Toolbox and drag the control onto the form. Setting Control Properties.

How do I open a dialog or pop up in word?

Create a button somewhere on the page to open the dialog or popup. Create a dynamic action on the button and use action Open Region, selecting the inline region. If you like you can add a button to the inline region to close the dialog or popup.

What is a dialog box in HTML?

The HTML dialog is a commonly used HTML element that helps you create a native dialog box, a box that the user can perform specific actions and interact with. One of its primary functions is to create forms such as pop-ups, dismissible alerts, subwindows, and a lot more.

How do I create a pop-up dialog in illustrator?

Start by selecting the element on the page that you want to trigger the pop-up dialog. Then open the Interactions Panel and create a new interaction: While still in Interaction Mode, select your overlay container again. Since it’s currently hidden, you’ll need to use the Page Structure Panel to locate it.

3 Answers

Here's a proposition, I mainly changed the server.R:

ui =fluidPage(
        textInput("newName", "Name of variable:", "myname"),
        actionButton("BUTnew", "Change"),
        bsModal("modalnew", "Change name", "BUTnew", size = "small",
                HTML("Do you want to change the name?"),
                actionButton("BUTyes", "Yes"),
                actionButton("BUTno", "No")
server = function(input, output, session) {
        values <- reactiveValues()
        values$name <- "myname";

        output$curName <- renderText({
                paste0("Current name: ", values$name)

        observeEvent(input$BUTyes, {
                toggleModal(session, "modalnew", toggle = "close")
                values$name <- input$newName

        observeEvent(input$BUTno, {
                toggleModal(session, "modalnew", toggle = "close")
                updateTextInput(session, "newName", value=values$name)
runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))

A couple of points:

I created a reactiveValues to hold the name that the person currently has. This is useful because you can then update or not update this value when the person clicks on the modal button. You can access the name using values$name.

You can use toggleModal to close the modal once the user has clicked on yes or no

like image 69
NicE Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


@NicE provided a nice solution. I'm going to offer an alternative solution using the shinyalert package instead, which I believe results in easier to understand code (disclaimer: I wrote that package so may be biased).

The main difference is that the modal creation is no longer in the UI and is now done on the server when the button is clicked. The modal uses a callback function to determine if "yes" or "no" were clicked.


ui <- fluidPage(
  textInput("newName", "Name of variable:", "myname"),
  actionButton("BUTnew", "Change")
server = function(input, output, session) {
  values <- reactiveValues()
  values$name <- "myname"

  output$curName <- renderText({
    paste0("Current name: ", values$name)

  observeEvent(input$BUTnew, {
    shinyalert("Change name", "Do you want to change the name?",
               confirmButtonText = "Yes", showCancelButton = TRUE,
               cancelButtonText = "No", callbackR = modalCallback)

  modalCallback <- function(value) {
    if (value == TRUE) {
      values$name <- input$newName
    } else {
      updateTextInput(session, "newName", value=values$name)
runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))
like image 38
DeanAttali Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


You can do something like this using conditionalPanel, I would further suggest adding a button to ask for confirmation oppose to instant update.

rm(list = ls())

name <- "myname"

ui = fluidPage(
  actionButton("BUTnew", "Change"),
  bsModal("modalnew", "Change name", "BUTnew", size = "small",
          radioButtons("change_name", "", choices = list("Yes" = 1, "No" = 2, "I dont know" = 3),selected = 2),
          conditionalPanel(condition = "input.change_name == '1'",textInput("new_name", "Enter New Name:", ""))    

server = function(input, output, session) {

  output$curName <- renderUI({textInput("my_name", "Current name: ", name)})

  observeEvent(input$BUTnew, {
    output$textnew <- renderText({paste0("Do you want to change the name?")})

    if(input$change_name == '1'){
      if(input$new_name != ""){
        output$curName <- renderUI({textInput("my_name", "Current name: ", input$new_name)})
        output$curName <- renderUI({textInput("my_name", "Current name: ", name)})

runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))

enter image description here

like image 21
Pork Chop Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09

Pork Chop