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Create a NuGet package that shows update notifications

I am creating a NuGet package, and I would like the package to display a notification whenever an update for the package is present in the repository (which is a private repository, not the official NuGet repository).

Please note that I do not want the package to update itself automatically (in case the new version might introduce some problems), but just notify the user.

To do this, I added this in my init.ps1 file in the package:

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
$PackageName = "MyPackage"
$update = Get-Package -Updates | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $PackageName }
if ($update -ne $null -and $update.Version -gt $package.Version) {
    [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("New version $($update.Version) available for $($PackageName)") | Out-Null

The check on $update.Version -gt $package.Version is needed to avoid showing the notification when the newer package is being installed.

I would like to know if

  1. This solution is acceptable, or if there is a better and "standard" way to do this (rather than brewing my own solution).
  2. There is a better way to show a notification, as the MessageBox is rather annoying: it hides behind the "preparing solution" dialog when I open the project, and the operation does not complete until I click ok.
like image 778
Paolo Tedesco Avatar asked Jun 15 '12 11:06

Paolo Tedesco

People also ask

How do I update NuGet references?

Invoke the Package Manager dialog (select Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution). Go to the Updates tab. Select the packages you want to update (or use the Select all packages to update all packages) and click Update.

Should you update NuGet packages?

Well, you should update whenever you are able to cope with it. So you need to think carefully about the regression updating the packages could cause to your application if already in production, or the extra tests you are going to need to carry on in order to verify everything seems to be working as expected.

1 Answers

In the end, I've found no better way to show a notification than through the init.ps1 file.
I also discovered that the init script is run only if the Package Manager Console is visible, which is not exactly ideal for this purpose, but still I couldn't find anything better.

About the way to notify the user, I've found some methods, which I'm posting here in case they might be useful for someone else.

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
if ($project -eq $null) {
    $projet = Get-Project

$PackageName = "MyPackage"
$update = Get-Package -Updates -Source 'MySource' | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $PackageName }
# the check on $u.Version -gt $package.Version is needed to avoid showing the notification
# when the newer package is being installed
if ($update -ne $null -and $update.Version -gt $package.Version) {

    $msg = "An update is available for package $($PackageName): version $($update.Version)"

    # method 1: a MessageBox
    [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($msg) | Out-Null
    # method 2: Write-Host
    Write-Host $msg
    # method 3: navigate to a web page with EnvDTE
    $project.DTE.ItemOperations.Navigate("some-url.html", [EnvDTE.vsNavigateOptions]::vsNavigateOptionsNewWindow) | Out-Null
    # method 4: show a message in the Debug/Build window
    $win = $project.DTE.Windows.Item([EnvDTE.Constants]::vsWindowKindOutput)
    $win.Object.OutputWindowPanes.Item("Build").OutputString("Update available"); 
like image 89
Paolo Tedesco Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Paolo Tedesco