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Create a new camera source using OpenCV Python (Camera Driver Using Python)

Does anyone know a way to create a camera source using python? So for example I have 2 cameras:

  1. Webcam
  2. USB Cam

Whenever I use any web application or interface which requires camera, I have an option to select a camera source from the above two mentioned.

What I want to achieve is that I am processing real time frames in my python program with a camera portal of my own like this:

import numpy as np
import cv2

    while True:
        _,frame = self.cam.read()
        k = cv2.waitKey(1)
        if k & 0xFF == ord('q'):

Now I want to use this frame as a camera source so next time whenever I open a software or web app which requires camera then it show option as follows:

  1. Webcam
  2. USB Cam
  3. Python Cam (Or whatever be the name)

Does anyone has any advice or hint on how to go about that? I have seen some premium softwares which generate their own camera source but they're written in c++. I was wondering if this could happen in python or not.

Here is an example of the same:

enter image description here

As you can see there are multiple camera source there. I want to add one camera source which displays the frames processed by python in its feed.

like image 207
Shivam Sahil Avatar asked Sep 11 '20 07:09

Shivam Sahil

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1 Answers

You can use v4l2loopback (https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback) for that. It is written in C but there are some python wrappers. I've used virtualvideo (https://github.com/Flashs/virtualvideo).
The virtualvideo README is pretty straight forward but here is my modification of their github example to match your goal:

import virtualvideo
import cv2

class MyVideoSource(virtualvideo.VideoSource):
    def __init__(self):
        self.cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        _, img = self.cam.read()
        size = img.shape
        #opencv's shape is y,x,channels
        self._size = (size[1],size[0])

    def img_size(self):
        return self._size

    def fps(self):
        return 30

    def generator(self):
        while True:
            _, img = self.cam.read()
            yield img

vidsrc = MyVideoSource()
fvd = virtualvideo.FakeVideoDevice()
fvd.init_output(2, 640, 480, pix_fmt='yuyv422')

in init_output the first argument is the virtual camera resource thar i've created when adding the kernel module:

sudo modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr=2 exclusive_caps=1

the last arguments are my webcam size and the pixel format.

You should see this option in hangouts:


like image 126
Guilherme Sant'Ana Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Guilherme Sant'Ana