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Create a nested dictionary for a word python

I have a list of words and I would like to store them in a nested dictionary.

Here is the sample list:-

words = ['Apple','Ape','Bark','Barn']

The dictionary that I want to create is as follows:-


The words are case insensitive.

like image 611
Strommer Avatar asked Oct 20 '13 01:10


1 Answers

Use a collections.defaultdict() object instead:

from collections import defaultdict

def tree():
    return defaultdict(tree)

nested = defaultdict(tree)

for word in words:
    node = nested
    for char in word:
        node = node[char.upper()]

Whenever you try to access a key in a defaultdict that does not yet exist, the default factory is called to produce a value for that key, transparently. In the above code the default factory is tree(), which produces another defaultdict() with the same factory, letting you build up a nested set of dictionaries merely by accessing the keys.


>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> def tree():
...     return defaultdict(tree)
>>> nested = defaultdict(tree)
>>> words = ['Apple','Ape','Bark','Barn']
>>> for word in words:
...     node = nested
...     for char in word:
...         node = node[char.upper()]
>>> nested
defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'A': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'P': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'P': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'L': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'E': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {})})}), 'E': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {})})}), 'B': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'A': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'R': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {'K': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {}), 'N': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x114e62320>, {})})})})})
>>> def print_nested(d, indent=0):
...     for k, v in d.iteritems():
...         print '{}{!r}:'.format(indent * '  ', k)
...         print_nested(v, indent + 1)
>>> print_nested(nested)

A defaultdict is a subclass of the standard Python dictionary and apart from materializing values for keys automatically, behaves exactly like a regular dictionary.

like image 162
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Martijn Pieters