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Create a native filter in Gmail using Google Apps Script

I want to make a filter that is native to gmail for certain set of parameters.

Basically I use the google alias function a lot (the + sign after your email). I want to automate the process of creating a filter that reads the "To" line then looks for a "+". If the a "+" is found it will make a label of what is after the "+". Then it will create a dedicated/native filter that will: skip the inbox and apply the label of what is after the "+".

I have looked through the gmail scripts and have not found a way to make a native filter. I understand that this functionality might have just been implemented.

function getTo() { 
  // Log the To line of up to the first 50 emails in your Inbox 
  var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); 
  var threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0, 50); 
  for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { 
    var messages = threads[i].getMessages(); 
    for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {

Any help would be great.


// Creates a filter to put all email from ${toAddress} into
// Gmail label ${labelName}
function createToFilter(toAddress, labelName) {

// Lists all the filters for the user running the script, 'me'
var labels = Gmail.Users.Settings.Filters.list('me')

// Search through the existing filters for ${toAddress}
var label = true
labels.filter.forEach(function(l) {
    if (l.criteria.to === toAddress) {
        label = null

// If the filter does exist, return
if (label === null) return
else { 
// Create the new label 

// Lists all the labels for the user running the script, 'me'
var labelids = Gmail.Users.Labels.list('me')

// Search through the existing labels for ${labelName}
// this operation is still needed to get the label ID 
var labelid = false
labelids.labels.forEach(function(a) {
    if (a.name === labelName) {
        labelid = a
// Create a new filter object (really just POD)
var filter = Gmail.newFilter()

// Make the filter activate when the to address is ${toAddress}
filter.criteria = Gmail.newFilterCriteria()
filter.criteria.to = toAddress

// Make the filter remove the label id of ${"INBOX"}
filter.action = Gmail.newFilterAction()
filter.action.removeLabelIds = ["INBOX"];
// Make the filter apply the label id of ${labelName} 
filter.action.addLabelIds = [labelid.id];

// Add the filter to the user's ('me') settings
Gmail.Users.Settings.Filters.create(filter, 'me')


Thanks, Ender

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Ender Wiggin Avatar asked Nov 23 '16 20:11

Ender Wiggin

People also ask

Can you create a Gmail filter in the app?

As far as I know, the GMail app and the mobile version of GMail does not have any way to add filters. You will have to use the Desktop/full version of GMail to create filters.

How do I filter in Google Apps Script?

In google script, we have to set the range of data that we want the script to filter on. The range starts at A1 and ends at F10 (A1:F10). Once we set the filter, we need to filter on a specific column. If we want to filter on a specific 'Vendor ID', we will need to set the criteria for that column.

1 Answers

The functionality seems to exist, but requires enabling the full Gmail API.

For your Apps script, follow the directions at https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/services/advanced to enable Advanced Google Services. When I first tried using the Gmail.Users.Settings.Filters.list('me') call I got an authorization error which gave me a link to enable the Gmail API in the Developer Console which just amounted to flipping a switch.

Once you have this enabled, you can write a script to make filters, like

// Creates a filter to put all email from ${toAddress} into
// Gmail label ${labelName}
function createToFilter (toAddress, labelName) {

  // Lists all the labels for the user running the script, 'me'
  var labels = Gmail.Users.Labels.list('me')

  // Search through the existing labels for ${labelName}
  var label = null
  labels.labels.forEach(function (l) {
    if (l.name === labelName) {
      label = l

  // If the label doesn't exist, return
  if (label === null) return

  // Create a new filter object (really just POD)
  var filter = Gmail.newFilter()

  // Make the filter activate when the to address is ${toAddress}
  filter.criteria = Gmail.newFilterCriteria()
  filter.criteria.to = toAddress

  // Make the filter apply the label id of ${labelName}
  filter.action = Gmail.newFilterAction()
  filter.action.addLabelIds = [label.id]

  // Add the filter to the user's ('me') settings
  Gmail.Users.Settings.Filters.create(filter, 'me')


function main () {
  createToFilter('[email protected]', 'Aliases/foo')

I wasn't able to figure out how to create a filter that retroactively labels messages automatically since Google doesn't seem to expose that in their API.

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JonNRb Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
