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Create a list from DbCursor in MongoDB and Java




I am trying to use a cursor to iterate over documents, i want to store them in a list,and later on return a list of type DBOject.

Here is what I am trying:

public List<DBObject> getResultsInDescendingOrderByDate(int limit) {

        List<DBObject> myList = null;
        DBCursor myCursor=myCollection.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("date",-1)).limit(10);
        try {
        while(myCursor.hasNext()) {

               myList.add(new BasicDBObject("_id",(String) myCursor.curr().get("_id"))
                        .append("title",(String) myCursor.curr().get("title"))
                        .append("author",(String) myCursor.curr().get("author"))
                        .append("permalink",(String) myCursor.curr().get("permalink"))
                        .append("body",(String) myCursor.curr().get("body"))
                        .append("comment",new BasicDBObject("comments",(String) myCursor.curr().get("comments")))
                                .append("tags",new BasicDBObject("tags",(String) myCursor.curr().get("tags"))
                                .append("date",(Date) myCursor.curr().get("date"))));

        finally {

        return myList;

I don't know how to convert the data type into a primitive one form the cursor. I tried searching,but no clues.

Please help.


like image 837
ApJo Avatar asked Oct 25 '13 03:10


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1 Answers

@sdanzig solution will work but... If you like to type less code you can do this:

public List<DBObject> getResultsInDescendingOrderByDate(int limit) {

        List<DBObject> myList = null;
        DBCursor myCursor=myCollection.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("date",-1)).limit(10);
        myList = myCursor.toArray();

        return myList;

the DBCursor.toArray() method of DBCursor returns a List

like image 181
Dmitri Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
