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Create a jQuery special event for content changed

I'm trying to create a jQuery special event that triggers when the content that is bound, changes. My method is checking the content with a setInterval and check if the content has changed from last time. If you have any better method of doing that, let me know. Another problem is that I can't seem to clear the interval. Anyway, what I need is the best way to check for content changes with the event.special.


    var interval;
    jQuery.event.special.contentchange = {
        setup: function(data, namespaces) {
            var $this = $(this);
            var $originalContent = $this.text();
            interval = setInterval(function(){
                if($originalContent != $this.text()) {
                    console.log('content changed');
                    $originalContent = $this.text();
        teardown: function(namespaces){
        handler: function(namespaces) {
            jQuery.event.handle.apply(this, arguments)

And bind it like this:

$('#container').bind('contentchange', function() {
        console.log('contentchange triggered');

I get the console.log 'content changed', but not the console.log 'contentchange triggered'. So it's obvious that the callback is never triggered.

I just use Firebug to change the content and to trigger the event, to test it out.

I don't think I made this clear enough, my code doesn't actually work. I'm looking for what I'm doing wrong.

Here is the finished code for anyone interested

    var interval;
    jQuery.event.special.contentchange = {
        setup: function(){
            var self = this,
            $this = $(this),
            $originalContent = $this.text();
            interval = setInterval(function(){
                if($originalContent != $this.text()) {
                    $originalContent = $this.text();
                    jQuery.event.handle.call(self, {type:'contentchange'});
        teardown: function(){

Thanks to Mushex for helping me out.

like image 249
Sindre Sorhus Avatar asked Sep 19 '09 22:09

Sindre Sorhus

1 Answers

also take a look to James similar script (declaring as jquery object method and not as event)

jQuery.fn.watch = function( id, fn ) {

    return this.each(function(){

        var self = this;

        var oldVal = self[id];
                if (self[id] !== oldVal) {
                    fn.call(self, id, oldVal, self[id]);
                    oldVal = self[id];
            }, 100)


    return self;

jQuery.fn.unwatch = function( id ) {

    return this.each(function(){
        clearInterval( $(this).data('watch_timer') );


and creating special event

jQuery.fn.valuechange = function(fn) {
    return this.bind('valuechange', fn);

jQuery.event.special.valuechange = {

    setup: function() {

        jQuery(this).watch('value', function(){
            jQuery.event.handle.call(this, {type:'valuechange'});


    teardown: function() {


Anyway, if you need it only as event, you script is nice :)

like image 86
Mushex Antaranian Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Mushex Antaranian