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Create a "inset" effect using CSS in websites

I am very much impressed by the "inset" like effect in many latest websites. Some examples are alt text


alt text

The line in the center. Nowadays, many websites use these kinds of lines/effects.

I tried to achieve the same with borders but the color combination is not working me and it is not proper.

Do other websites use images for these ? is it easy to this ?

Any example css ?

Example sites: http://woothemes.com, http://net.tutsplus.com/ , http://www.w3schools.com (in the header) and in wordpress admin page sidebar

like image 588
Aakash Chakravarthy Avatar asked Jun 15 '10 13:06

Aakash Chakravarthy

1 Answers

Use border-bottom and box-shadow.

body {
  background-color: #D0D9E0;

h1 {
  border-bottom: 1px solid #EFF2F6;
  box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 0 #AFBCC6;

Check out the Fiddle and Browser Compatibility for box-shadow property.

like image 61
Leandri Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10
