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Create a function and call it in one line of C# code

Can I dynamically create a function and invoke it (passing values into it) in one line of code?

Clarification: I was looking for some way that could allow me to create an anonymous function and then calling it directly. Sort of:

delegate(string aa){ MessageBox.show(aa); }("Hello World!");

or something like that (I know the above code does not compile, but I wanted something close).

like image 801
Hao Wooi Lim Avatar asked Jan 29 '09 07:01

Hao Wooi Lim

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2 Answers

The .Invoke is actually not needed; you can just write:

new Action<int>(x => Console.WriteLine(x))(3);

or for C# 2.0:

new Action<int>(delegate(int x) { Console.WriteLine(x); })(3);
like image 22
gavrie Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10


new Action<int>(x => Console.WriteLine(x))(3);

it's not so readable but answering your question, you definitely can.

EDIT: just noticed you tagged it as c# 2.0, the answer above is for 3.5, for 2.0 it would be

new Action<int>(delegate(int x) { Console.WriteLine(x); })(3);
like image 52
Pablo Retyk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10

Pablo Retyk