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Create a fixture for recursive data structure with AutoFixture

I'm working on a project where I have some recursive data structure and I want to create a fixture for it.

The data structure is XmlCommandElement, it has a single method ToCommand that converts XmlCommandElement to Command.

Each node on the tree can be a XmlCommandElement and/or XmlCommandPropertyElement.

Now, in order to test the behaviour of the method ToCommand I want to fetch XmlCommandElement with some arbitrary data.

I want to control the depth of the tree and the amount of instances of XmlCommandElement and/or XmlCommandPropertyElement per node.

So here is the code I'm using for the fixture:

public class XmlCommandElementFixture : ICustomization
    private static readonly Fixture _fixture = new Fixture();

    private XmlCommandElement _xmlCommandElement;

    public int MaxCommandsPerDepth { get; set; }

    public int MaxDepth { get; set; }

    public int MaxPropertiesPerCommand { get; set; }

    public XmlCommandElementFixture BuildCommandTree()
        _xmlCommandElement = new XmlCommandElement();

        var tree = new Stack<XmlCommandElementNode>();

        tree.Push(new XmlCommandElementNode(0, _xmlCommandElement));

        while (tree.Count > 0) {
            var node = tree.Pop();
            node.Command.Key = CreateRandomString();
            node.Command.Properties = CreateProperties();

            if (MaxDepth > node.Depth) {
                var commands = new List<XmlCommandElement>();

                for (var i = 0; i < MaxCommandsPerDepth; i++) {
                    var command = new XmlCommandElement();
                    tree.Push(new XmlCommandElementNode(node.Depth + 1, command));

                node.Command.Commands = commands.ToArray();

        return this;

    public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
        fixture.Customize<XmlCommandElement>(c => c.FromFactory(() => _xmlCommandElement)

    private static string CreateRandomString()
        return _fixture.Create<Generator<string>>().First();

    private XmlCommandPropertyElement[] CreateProperties()
        var properties = new List<XmlCommandPropertyElement>();

        for (var i = 0; i < MaxPropertiesPerCommand; i++) {
            properties.Add(new XmlCommandPropertyElement {
                Key = CreateRandomString(),
                Value = CreateRandomString()

        return properties.ToArray();

    private struct XmlCommandElementNode
        public XmlCommandElementNode(int depth, XmlCommandElement xmlCommandElement)
            Depth = depth;

            Command = xmlCommandElement;

        public XmlCommandElement Command { get; }

        public int Depth { get; }

And this is how I'm using it:

xmlCommandElement = new Fixture().Customize(new XmlCommandElementFixture {
    MaxDepth = 2,
    MaxCommandsPerDepth = 3,
    MaxPropertiesPerCommand = 4

This works perfectly fine! but the issue I have with it is it isn't generic, the whole point of AutoFixture at least as far as I know is to avoid making specific fixtures.

So what I would really like to do is something like this (found it here but it doesn't work for me.):

var fixture = new Fixture();
       .ForEach(b => fixture.Behaviors.Remove(b));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new DepthThrowingRecursionBehavior(2));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionForRequestBehavior(typeof(XmlCommandElement), 3));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionForRequestBehavior(typeof(XmlCommandPropertyElement), 4));

xmlCommandElement = fixture.Create<XmlCommandElement>();

Here is all the code for reference:


public interface ICommandCollection : IEnumerable<ICommand>
    ICommand this[string commandName] { get; }

    void Add(ICommand command);

public interface ICommandPropertyCollection : IEnumerable<ICommandProperty>
    string this[string key] { get; }

    void Add(ICommandProperty property);

public interface ICommandProperty
    string Key { get; }

    string Value { get; }

public interface ICommand
    ICommandCollection Children { get; set; }

    string Key { get; }

    ICommandPropertyCollection Properties { get; }

public interface ICommandConvertible
    ICommand ToCommand();


public sealed class CommandPropertyCollection : ICommandPropertyCollection
    private readonly IDictionary<string, ICommandProperty> _properties;

    public CommandPropertyCollection()
        _properties = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICommandProperty>();

    public string this[string key]
            ICommandProperty property = null;

            _properties.TryGetValue(key, out property);

            return property.Value;

    public void Add(ICommandProperty property)
        _properties.Add(property.Key, property);

    public IEnumerator<ICommandProperty> GetEnumerator()
        return _properties.Values.GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

public sealed class CommandProperty : ICommandProperty
    public CommandProperty(string key, string value)
        Key = key;

        Value = value;

    public string Key { get; }

    public string Value { get; }

public sealed class Command : ICommand
    public Command(string key, ICommandPropertyCollection properties)
        Key = key;

        Properties = properties;

    public ICommandCollection Children { get; set; }

    public string Key { get; }

    public ICommandPropertyCollection Properties { get; }

public class XmlCommandPropertyElement : ICommandPropertyConvertible
    public string Key { get; set; }

    public string Value { get; set; }

    public ICommandProperty ToCommandProperty()
        return new CommandProperty(Key, Value);

Finally, the class I'm trying to test is as follow:

public class XmlCommandElement : ICommandConvertible
    [XmlArrayItem("Command", typeof(XmlCommandElement))]
    public XmlCommandElement[] Commands { get; set; }

    public string Key { get; set; }

    [XmlArrayItem("Property", typeof(XmlCommandPropertyElement))]
    public XmlCommandPropertyElement[] Properties { get; set; }

    public ICommand ToCommand()
        ICommandPropertyCollection properties = new CommandPropertyCollection();

        foreach (var property in Properties) {

        ICommand command = new Command(Key, properties);

        return command;

The test itself looks like this:

namespace Yalla.Tests.Commands
    using Fixtures;

    using FluentAssertions;

    using Ploeh.AutoFixture;

    using Xbehave;

    using Yalla.Commands;
    using Yalla.Commands.Xml;

    public class XmlCommandElementTests
        public void ConvertToCommand(XmlCommandElement xmlCommandElement, ICommand command)
            $"Given an {nameof(XmlCommandElement)}"
                .x(() =>
                    xmlCommandElement = new Fixture().Customize(new XmlCommandElementFixture {
                        MaxDepth = 2,
                        MaxCommandsPerDepth = 3,
                        MaxPropertiesPerCommand = 4

            $"When the object is converted into {nameof(ICommand)}"
                .x(() => command = xmlCommandElement.ToCommand());

            "Then we need to have a root object with a key"
                .x(() => command.Key.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty());

            "And 4 properties as its children"
                .x(() => command.Properties.Should().HaveCount(4));

Thanks to Mark Seemann! the final solution looks like this:

public class RecursiveCustomization : ICustomization
    public int MaxDepth { get; set; }

    public int MaxElements { get; set; }

    public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
               .ForEach(b => fixture.Behaviors.Remove(b));
        fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior(MaxDepth));
        fixture.RepeatCount = MaxElements;

And can be used like this:

xmlCommandElement = new Fixture().Customize(new RecursiveCustomization {
    MaxDepth = 2,
    MaxElements = 3
like image 256
Eyal Alon Avatar asked Jun 02 '16 07:06

Eyal Alon

1 Answers

You can fairly easily create a small tree by changing the Fixture's recursion behaviour:

public void CreateSmallTree()
    var fixture = new Fixture();
        .ForEach(b => fixture.Behaviors.Remove(b));
    fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior(recursionDepth: 2));

    var xce = fixture.Create<XmlCommandElement>();


The above test passes.

like image 52
Mark Seemann Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Mark Seemann