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Create a dictionary and pass it as a map to a Java method in Robot Framework

I need to pass a java.util.Map to a a test method In the tsv file, I tried to create a dictionary like this:

${MYDICT} =  Create Dictionary  a  1  b  2

But I got the error:

Setting variable '${MYDICT} = Create Dictionary a 1 b 2' failed: Variable name '${MYDICT} = Create Dictionary a 1 b 2' is invalid.

I declare the dictionary in the variables section like this:

    ${MYDICT}=  Create Dictionary   COUNTRY US  CURRENCY_CODE   USD

the test case is this:

    testCase1 run the test using ${MYDICT}

and the test keywords are defined like this:

    run the test using ${MAP}
        call java method ${MAP}

and the Java method is:

    public void CallJavaMethod(Map<String, String> map)

However, if I declare the dictionary in the Test keywords section, everything works fine and the Java method is called:

    run the test using
        ${MYDICT}=  Create Dictionary   COUNTRY US  CURRENCY_CODE   USD
        call java method ${MYDICT}

I do not understand why I must declare the dictionary at the point where I want to use it. What if I want to run that test case with different inputs?

Fix ( used what @Uri and @Brian suggested) I try to use the "Set Suite Variable" like in this example:

*** Settings ***
Library Collections
Suite Setup Initialize dictionary

*** Keywords ***
Initialize dictionary
    ${dict}=    Create Dictionary   COUNTRY US
    Set Suite Variable  ${dict}

*** Test cases ***
    Dictionary should contain item  ${dict} COUNTRY US

And the test passes successfully.

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Alex Avatar asked Jan 08 '23 08:01


1 Answers

I declare the dictinary in the variables section like this:


That's the problem. You can't call keywords like that in the variable section. The variable table is for defining static values.

From the robot framework user's guide section on variable tables:

Their [variable table] main disadvantages are that values are always strings and they cannot be created dynamically.

If you want to create a dictionary that can be used in multiple tests, create it in a keyword and use the Set Suite Variable keyword to make it available everywhere in the suite. You can call this keyword from a Suite Setup. Or, create it in a variable file.


The following example creates a suite-level variable named ${dict} which contains two keys. The dictionary is initialized in a suite setup. There are two simple tests to verify that the dictionary was set up properly and is accessible to both tests.

*** Settings ***
| Library | Collections
| Suite Setup | Initialize dictionary

*** Keywords ***
| Initialize dictionary
| | ${dict}= | Create Dictionary 
| | ... | COUNTRY       | US
| | Set suite variable | ${dict}

*** Test cases ***
| Test A
| | Dictionary should contain item | ${dict} | COUNTRY | US

| Test B
| | Dictionary should contain item | ${dict} | CURRENCY_CODE | USD
like image 85
Bryan Oakley Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 19:02

Bryan Oakley