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Crashlytics:Upload a Cordova project

The Crashlytics say we need to download the Fabric Plugin on Android Studio and then register/upload the app by running it. I have few questions about the same topic.

  • How to upload a Cordova (Ionic) based project to Crashlytics?
  • How to use this cordova-crashlytics plugin?

Any help is very helpful.

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Incpetor Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 10:02


1 Answers

This can be done without Android Studio and without "uploading your app/project" to Crashlytics and without having their Fabric plugin. I'm working on a Cordova app using the Cordova CLI tool with Cordova Android platform 3.7.2. I got Crashlytics working by usign this slightly updated Cordova plugin: https://github.com/smistry-toushay/cordova-crashlytics-plugin

First get your Crashlytics Secret and Key by visiting the "Organizations Page" in your Crashlytics dashboard. Select your org at: https://www.crashlytics.com/settings/organizations and click on the links for "API Key" and "Build Secret" right underneath the org's name to copy those values.

Then run this on a command line in your Cordova directory:

cordova plugin add https://github.com/smistry-toushay/cordova-crashlytics-plugin.git --variable CRASHLYTICS_API_SECRET=YOUR CRASHLYTICS API SECRET HERE --variable CRASHLYTICS_API_KEY=YOUR CRASHLYTICS API KEY HERE

That should then add your Cordova App to the Crashlytics dashboard and any subsequent crashes will show up there.

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blalond Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
