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cqlsh equivalent to mysql -e

I'm trying to create a small shell script where it would be very handy for me to run a command directly from the command line via cqlsh.

In MySQL I could do something like:

mysql -u root  -e "show databases;"

Is there a cqlsh equivalent to -e, or is the closest equivalent putting whatever commands I want to run in a file and use -f?


like image 821
pcalcao Avatar asked Jun 11 '14 10:06


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Major reason behind Cassandra's extremely faster writes is its storage engine. Cassandra uses Log-structured merge trees, whereas traditional RDBMS uses B+ Trees as underlying data structure. If you notice "B", you will find that Oracle just like MySQL has to read before write.

What is Cqlsh?

cqlsh is a command-line interface for interacting with Cassandra using CQL (the Cassandra Query Language). It is shipped with every Cassandra package, and can be found in the bin/ directory alongside the cassandra executable.

1 Answers

For just a one-shot command, cqlsh 4.1.1 also has a -e option:

$cqlsh -e 'desc keyspaces' -u myusername -p mypassword localhost

branch     stackoverflow  products  system_auth  
customers  system         branches  system_traces

If you have something complicated, like a multi-line sequence of commands, then the -f option on cqlsh should be what you want to do. To demo, I'll create a simple cql script file called descTables.cql which looks like this:

$ cat descTables.cql
use stackoverflow;
desc tables;

Now, I'll invoke that cql script with cqlsh -f:

$cqlsh -f descTables.cql -u myusername -p mypassword localhost

datasimple  items

FYI- It looks like the most-recent version of 2.0 has cqlsh 4.1.1, which has the -e flag. On one of my instances, I have 4.1.0 and the -e option is not available.

like image 72
Aaron Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09
