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CQL: Unable to Null Check in "Where" Clause




Try to return all rows where a specific field is null or not null.

select * from ADDRESS where addr1 = null;  


select * from ADDRESS where addr1 = 'NULL';  

addr1 can be a boolean or text field.

I've tried != null, is null, <> null, and isnull(addr1, 'NULL')

but I get

no viable alternative at input '='


no index columns present in by-columns clause with "equals' operator"

Using Cassandra 1.1.1 & Java 1.7_05

like image 416
Snake Avatar asked Aug 03 '12 17:08


1 Answers

CQL doesn't have the concept of NULL (yet- see CASSANDRA-3783). The right thing to do instead depends on your particular situation.

like image 72
the paul Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

the paul