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CPU Flame Graphs for Python

Brendan Gregg's CPU Flame Graphs are a way of visualising CPU usage over a period of time based on call stacks.

His FlameGraph github project provides a language-independent way to plot these graphs:

For each language, FlameGraph requires a way of providing stack input in the form of lines like this:

grandparent_func;parent_func;func 42 

This means that the instrumented program was observed running function func, where that was called from parent_func, in turn called from top-level function grandparent_func. It says that call stack was observed 42 times.

How can I gather stack information from Python programs and provide it to FlameGraph?

For bonus points: How can that be extended so that both the C and Python stack is shown, or even down to the kernel on Linux (in a similar way to some of the Java and node.js flame graphs on Brendan's website)?

enter image description here

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Croad Langshan Avatar asked Jan 17 '15 14:01

Croad Langshan

People also ask

How do you run a flame graph?

In order to generate flame graphs, you need a profiler that can sample stack traces. There has historically been two types of profilers: System profilers: like Linux perf, which shows system code paths (eg, JVM GC, syscalls, TCP), but not Java methods. JVM profilers: like hprof, LJP, and commercial profilers.

What does a flame graph show?

A flame graph visualizes a distributed request trace and represents each service call that occurred during the request's execution path with a timed, color-coded, horizontal bar. Flame graphs for distributed traces include error and latency data to help developers identify and fix bottlenecks in their applications.

How do I view a SVG FlameGraph?

You can right-click and save the flamegraph as a . svg file in order to open it in a browser. The ticks are in milliseconds. A Flamegraph can also be viewed from Administration>USAGE>Session management>Web client sessions (sessioninfos)

Why is it called a flame graph?

Neelakanth and Roch's visualizations used completely random colors to differentiate frames. I thought it looked nicer to narrow the color palette, and picked just warm colors initially as it explained why the CPUs were "hot" (busy). Since it resembled flames, it quickly became known as flame graphs.

1 Answers

Maybe you can try sys.setprofile, which is the core for the standard python profiler profile and cProfile. This method sets a hook to the "call" and "return" events of every function, including those functions of C-API.

The system’s profile function is called similarly to the system’s trace function (see settrace()), but it isn’t called for each executed line of code (only on call and return, but the return event is reported even when an exception has been set).

Below is a working example:

from time import clock  t0 = clock()  def getFun(frame):     code = frame.f_code      return  code.co_name+' in '+code.co_filename+':'+str(code.co_firstlineno)  def trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg):     if event in [ "c_call" , 'call', 'return', 'c_return']:         t = int((clock()-t0)*1000)         f = frame         stack=[]         while(f):           stack.insert( 0,getFun(f) )           f = f.f_back         print event, '\t', '; '.join(stack), '; ', t  import sys sys.setprofile(trace_dispatch) try:     execfile('test.py') finally:     sys.setprofile(None) 


def f(x):     return x+1 def main(x):     return f(x) main(10) 

This will print out

c_call    0 call      <module> in test.py:2 ;  1 call      <module> in test.py:2; main in test.py:5 ;  1 call      <module> in test.py:2; main in test.py:5; f in test.py:2 ;  5 return    <module> in test.py:2; main in test.py:5; f in test.py:2 ;  8 return    <module> in test.py:2; main in test.py:5 ;  11 return    <module> in test.py:2 ;  14 c_return  18 c_call    21 

See a more comprehensive profiling function here.

C stack in python

You cannot access the C stack within the python interpreter. It is necessary to use a debugger or profiler that supports C/C++. I would recommand gdb python.

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gdlmx Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
