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cPanel Could not determine the nameserver IP addresses for



I'm using cPanel and when I add this IP, the system report with the following message:

Could not determine the nameserver IP addresses for “filesharingz.org”. Please make sure that the domain is registered with a valid domain registrar.

The domain name is valid registered. Not sure what is this error, pls help me.

Thank you.

like image 958
Nguyen Thu Avatar asked May 15 '15 09:05

Nguyen Thu

1 Answers

I have found solution here: 1) From WHM:

Go to WHM >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings >> All

Check for the following option “Allow unregistered domains” it might be “Off” on your settings. Change it to “On” if you want to add unregistered domains as Addons.

2) From command line:

Edit the cpanel config file.

vi /var/cpanel/cpanel.config


Change the above to allowunregistereddomains=1

That’s it, you are now able to add new unregistered domains.


like image 125
Nguyen Thu Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10

Nguyen Thu