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Counter Metrics for Rest Api's in SpringBoot

What would be the best approach to count how many times an API is being triggered with its successful/failure response in spring boot.

What I have in my mind is using a post construct to start a new thread when application comes up and when an api is being called and then using a counter service for each new unique request to count how many api's is being triggered by that particular request and how many of them are successful or failed.

Recommend some new approaches if you guys have any.

like image 243
user2594 Avatar asked Jan 13 '18 11:01


People also ask

How do I count my spring boot requests?

It's not enabled in the latest versions by default but you can do so by implementing HttpTraceRepository . In this repository you can use a counter to measure the number of requests, then add it to the MetricRegistry. Another option would be to use a filter and then use a counter there.

Does spring boot provide metrics?

Spring Boot provides a metrics endpoint that can be used diagnostically to examine the metrics collected by an application.

How does spring boot handle 1000 requests per second?

To handle high traffic, you should setup Load Balancer with multiple node/instances. Better to go with Auto Scaling on Cloud server. It will increase the instances as per high load (number or request) and again decrease the instances when there will be low number of requests.

1 Answers

You don't have to create if from scratch, you can simply use Spring Boot Actuator that has this feature built-in. Just add following dependency to your project:



Actuator exposes e.g. /metrics endpoint and here you can find a counters for all responses - each counter starts with counter.status.{{status_code}}.{{endpoint}}.

For example, I have simple demo application with /hello endpoint. Any time I call this endpoint metric counter.status.200.hello will be increased. When I access /metrics endpoint I can see something like:

  "mem": 586013,
  "mem.free": 324496,
  "processors": 8,
  "instance.uptime": 144496,
  "uptime": 149950,
  "systemload.average": 0.52,
  "heap.committed": 522240,
  "heap.init": 251904,
  "heap.used": 197743,
  "heap": 3580928,
  "nonheap.committed": 64960,
  "nonheap.init": 2496,
  "nonheap.used": 63773,
  "nonheap": 0,
  "threads.peak": 42,
  "threads.daemon": 25,
  "threads.totalStarted": 54,
  "threads": 27,
  "classes": 8938,
  "classes.loaded": 8938,
  "classes.unloaded": 0,
  "gc.ps_scavenge.count": 8,
  "gc.ps_scavenge.time": 54,
  "gc.ps_marksweep.count": 2,
  "gc.ps_marksweep.time": 65,
  "gauge.response.star-star.favicon.ico": 1,
  "counter.status.200.star-star": 2,
  "counter.status.304.star-star": 2,
  "counter.status.200.metrics.name": 2,
  "counter.status.200.star-star.favicon.ico": 5,
  "gauge.response.star-star": 3,
  "gauge.response.hello": 5,
  "gauge.response.metrics.name": 3,
  "counter.status.200.hello": 2,
  "counter.status.404.metrics.name": 1,
  "httpsessions.max": -1,
  "httpsessions.active": 0,
  "datasource.primary.active": 0,
  "datasource.primary.usage": 0

I can also access single metric, e.g. /metrics/counter.status.200.hello which returns only:

  "counter.status.200.hello": 2

By default /metrics endpoint is secured. For your local dev you can turn it of by adding:

    enabled: false

to your application.yml or


to application.properties if you use that one.

like image 148
Szymon Stepniak Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10

Szymon Stepniak