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Countdown Clock: 01:05


How can I create a countdown clock in Python that looks like 00:00 (min & sec) which is on a line of its own. Every time it decreases by one actual second then the old timer should be replaced on its line with a new timer that is one second lower: 01:00 becomes 00:59 and it actually hits 00:00.

Here is a basic timer I started with but want to transform:

def countdown(t):     import time     print('This window will remain open for 3 more seconds...')     while t >= 0:         print(t, end='...')         time.sleep(1)         t -= 1     print('Goodbye! \n \n \n \n \n')  t=3 

I also want to make sure that anything after Goodbye! (which would most likely be outside of the function) will be on its own line.

RESULT: 3...2...1...0...Goodbye!

I know this is similar to other countdown questions but I believe that it has its own twist.

like image 609
trevor4n Avatar asked Aug 07 '14 18:08


People also ask

What is countdown time?

A countdown timer is a virtual clock on a landing page that counts down from a certain number or date to indicate the beginning or end of an event or offer.

1 Answers

Apart from formatting your time as minutes and seconds, you'll need to print a carriage return. Set end to \r:

import time  def countdown(t):     while t:         mins, secs = divmod(t, 60)         timeformat = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)         print(timeformat, end='\r')         time.sleep(1)         t -= 1     print('Goodbye!\n\n\n\n\n') 

This ensures that the next print overwrites the last line printed:


like image 123
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Martijn Pieters