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Count workers in business with branches


Select a group, where is one Main and for example 5 Branch. So, the total of places is 6. In each of those 6, search for 3 workers, who is working as job_types LIKE "%C%". If, in one of those 6 places, are 3workers with given parameter, query must get results of all those 6 places.

To clarify: 3 workers must be working in same main/branch.

Because project itself is very dificult, it would be better, to get results using RAW query:

business table

id     |    mainorbranch    |    name
1           Main                 Apple
2           Branch               Apple London
3           Branch               Apple Manchester
4           Main                 IBM
5           Branch               IBM London
etc ...


business_branches table

b_id     |    branch_id    |    id
1             1                 1
2             2                 1
3             3                 1
4             4                 4
5             5                 4
// etc

people_details table

d_id     |    id    |    job_types
1             1          C
2             3          D
3             2          F
4             4          C
5             5          C
// etc

people_branches table

pb_id     |    branch_id    |    id
1              1                 3
2              3                 2
3              4                 4
4              2                 5
5              1                 1
// etc

What i need to get:

Business id    |    Name    |    Postcode
1                   Apple        postcode
2                   Apple 232    postcode
3                   Apple 323    postcode
// etc...

DB Structure for Helpers http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/206733

Simplified, minified SQL file with total of 110k+ rows


Answer by @KikiTheOne is kinda working, but it gets only half a results. Other half is missing.

like image 656
Tauras Avatar asked Oct 17 '16 10:10


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1 Answers

as discussed in Chat. here is a solution:

if u Need Company Infos... get them @ t1.XXXX like postcode.

i changed

"pb_id" "branch_id" "id"
"1" "1" "3"
"2" "3" "2"
"3" "1" "4"
"4" "1" "5"
"5" "1" "1"

so i get 3 People in 1 branch

    t1.id as "Business id",
    t1.name as Name,
    'postcode' as "Postcode" 
FROM SO_business as t1 inner join 
    SELECT * FROM SO_busness_branches as t3 
    inner join 
            t5.branch_id as inner_branch,
            count(t5.branch_id) as workers_in,
            max(t6.job_types) as job_types,
            max(t7.id) as mainbranch
            SO_people_branches as t5
                inner join SO_people_details as t6
                    on t5.id = t6.id 
                inner join SO_busness_branches as t7 
                    on t5.branch_id = t7.branch_id 
            t6.job_types LIKE '%C%' 
        GROUP BY 
    ) as t4
        on t3.id = t4.inner_branch 
    WHERE t4.workers_in >= 3
) as t2 
    on t1.id = t2.branch_id


-.1 the Most inner SQL Counts ALL branches with workers ( number of workers init ) and Job_type = %c% and joines the MAIN id of the branch.

-.2 the second SQL gets that info and only selects all branches with workers >= 3

-.3 the outer SQL selects all inner INFOS and gives back ALL branches/main with the branchID-Main from the Inner SQL. AND connects them to the Business table so u can Display all Infos likepostcode from there

like image 93
KikiTheOne Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
