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Count the number of times a word appears in a file




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How do I count how many times a word appears in a file python?

Source Code txt", "r") # reading data of the file read_data = file. read() # converting data in lower case and the counting the occurrence word_count = read_data. lower(). count(search_word_count) # printing word and it's count print(f"The word '{search_word_count}' appeared {word_count} times.")

Which command is used to count word count in a file?

Use the wc command to count the number of lines, words, and bytes in the files specified by the File parameter.

How do I count specific words in Unix?

Wc Command in Linux (Count Number of Lines, Words, and Characters) On Linux and Unix-like operating systems, the wc command allows you to count the number of lines, words, characters, and bytes of each given file or standard input and print the result.

This will also count multiple occurrences of the word in a single line:

grep -o 'word' filename | wc -l

cat filename | tr ' ' '\n' | grep 'word' | wc -l