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Count the number of methods in a Java file



I am trying to parse a Java file and count the method declarations in it. Right now I am using the following code:

import ParseTree;
import lang::java::\syntax::Java15;
import IO;

public int countMethods(loc file) {
    int n = 0;
    try {
        comp = parse(#CompilationUnit, file);
        for (/MethodDec md <- comp) {
            n = n + 1;
    } catch ParseError(loc l): {
        println("Error at line <l.begin.line>, col <l.begin.column>.");
    return n;

I am stuck with the error message that the CompilationUnit type is not enumerable. Now i wonder how I can get/iterate through all the methods?

like image 729
shad Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 04:03


1 Answers

int x <- l means iterate over l and apply the pattern match int x on it, if that succeedes, bind x to the value. This means that for <- the right side has to be enumarable (lists, sets, maps,..). When you want to match all cases using a descendant match, you often want to use the := match operator. Even when the right hand side is enumerable. See example below:

import IO;
list[list[int]] ll = [[1,2],[1,3,4],[3],[1,1,1,3,4]];
println("Pattern match on the children of ll");
for (/list[value] v <- ll) {
println("Pattern match on the children of ll and ll itself");
for (/list[value] v := ll) {

this outputs:

Pattern match on the children of ll
Pattern match on the children of ll and ll itself

The difference is the candidates the pattern matcher tries.

For your specific example, you could also write it using reducers:

public int countMethods(loc file) {
    try {
        return (0 | it + 1 | /MethodDec md := parse(#CompilationUnit, file));
    } catch ParseError(loc l): {
        println("Error at line <l.begin.line>, col <l.begin.column>.");
        return 0;   
like image 152
Davy Landman Avatar answered May 25 '23 14:05

Davy Landman