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Count related documents in CouchDB



I'm pretty new to CouchDB and I still have some problems wrapping my head around the whole MapReduce way of querying my data...

To stay with the traditional "Blog" example, let's say I have 2 types of documents: post and comment... each comment document has a post_id field...

Is there a way I can get a list of posts with the number of comments for each of these posts with only 1 query? Let's say I want to display a list of post titles with the number of comments for each post like this:

My First Post: 4 comments
My Second Post: 6 comments

I know I can do the following:

function(doc) {
    if(doc.type == "comment") {
        emit(doc.post_id, 1);

and then reduce it like this:

function (key, values, rereduce) {
    return sum(values);

which gives me a list of each blog post id, with the number of comments for each posts. But then I need to fetch the blog posts titles separately since the only thing I have right now is their id...

So, is there a way I could retrive a list of each blog post titles, with the number of comments for each posts, by doing only 1 query?

like image 621
jeannicolas Avatar asked Jul 15 '10 16:07


2 Answers

Have a look at View Collation:


like image 50
cloudhead Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09


You could do something like this:

function(doc) {
    if(doc.type == "post") {
        emit([doc._id, 'title', doc.title], 0);
    if(doc.type == "comment") {
        emit([doc.post_id, 'comments'], 1);

Then you'd get a view where each post gets two rows, one with the title and one with the comments.

You can merge the rows together on the client, or you can use a "list" function to merge these groups of rows together within couchdb:


function list(head, req) {
  var post;
  var row;
  var outputRow = function() {
     if(post) { send(post); }
  while(row = getRow()) {
    if(!post || row.key[0] != post.id) {
      post = {id:row.key[0]};
    /* If key is a triple, use part 3 as the value, otherwise assume its a count */
    var value = row.key.length === 3 ? row.key[2] : row.value;
    post[row.key[1]] = value;

Note: not tested code!

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Dobes Vandermeer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Dobes Vandermeer