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Count of particular mail attachment without downloading attachment - using Java



Is it possible to get only the count of attachments for a mail in Java? I tried using this:

DataHandler handler = message.getDataHandler();
AttachedFileName= handler.getName();

This lists out all the attachments for all mails inbox but not for specific mails.

Is this possible if so how?


like image 856
TheDevMan Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 07:02


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Receiving email with attachment in Java As we receive the email, we can receive the attachment also by using Multipart and BodyPart classes found in JavaMail API. For better understanding of this example, learn the steps of sending email using JavaMail API first.

How do I determine if a message may contain attachments?

A message may contain one or several attachments. As discussed in the article Send e-mail with attachment in Java, if a message contains attachments, its content must be of type MultiPart, and the part contains a file must be of type MimeBodyPart. So it’s important to determine if a message may contain attachments using the following code:

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The body must be of type Multipart for containing attachments. The Multipart object holds multiple parts in which each part is represented as a type of BodyPart whose subclass, MimeBodyPart – can take a file as its content. The steps to create a multipart message with multiple parts are as follows:

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The content with attachments is a BodyPart called MultiPart. If an email has any attachments, it has a disposition equal to “ Part.ATTACHMENT “. In case there are no attachments, the disposition is null. The getDisposition method from the Part interface gets us the disposition.

1 Answers

This should give you the attachment count,

Multipart multipart = (Multipart) message.getContent();
int attachmentCount = multipart.getCount();
like image 99
Jayamohan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
