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Count distinct and Null value is eliminated by an aggregate

I'm using SQL Server 2005. With the query below (simplified from my real query):

select a,count(distinct b),sum(a) from 
(select 1 a,1 b union all
select 2,2 union all
select 2,null union all
select 3,3 union all
select 3,null union all
select 3,null) a
group by a

Is there any way to do a count distinct without getting

"Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation."

Here are the alternatives I can think of:

  1. Turning ANSI_WARNINGS off
  2. Separating into two queries, one with count distinct and a where clause to eliminate nulls, one with the sum:

    select t1.a, t1.countdistinctb, t2.suma from
        select a,count(distinct b) countdistinctb from 
            select 1 a,1 b union all
            select 2,2 union all
            select 2,null union all
            select 3,3 union all
            select 3,null union all
            select 3,null
        ) a
        where a.b is not null
        group by a
    ) t1
    left join
        select a,sum(a) suma from 
            select 1 a,1 b union all
            select 2,2 union all
            select 2,null union all
            select 3,3 union all
            select 3,null union all
            select 3,null
        ) a
        group by a
    ) t2 on t1.a=t2.a
  3. Ignore the warning in the client

Is there a better way to do this? I'll probably go down route 2, but don't like the code duplication.

like image 714
Simon D Avatar asked May 12 '09 07:05

Simon D

1 Answers

select a,count(distinct isnull(b,-1))-sum(distinct case when b is null then 1 else 0 end),sum(a) from 
    (select 1 a,1 b union all
    select 2,2 union all
    select 2,null union all
    select 3,3 union all
    select 3,null union all
    select 3,null) a
    group by a

Thanks to Eoin I worked out a way to do this. You can count distinct the values including the nulls and then remove the count due to nulls if there were any using a sum distinct.

like image 187
Simon D Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10

Simon D