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Count bytes in textarea using javascript

I need to count how long in bytes a textarea is when UTF8 encoded using javascript. Any idea how I would do this?


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mcintyre321 Avatar asked May 17 '10 11:05


4 Answers

encodeURIComponent(text).replace(/%[A-F\d]{2}/g, 'U').length
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Tgr Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11


Combining various answers, the following method should be fast and accurate, and avoids issues with invalid surrogate pairs that can cause errors in encodeURIComponent():

function getUTF8Length(s) {
  var len = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
    var code = s.charCodeAt(i);
    if (code <= 0x7f) {
      len += 1;
    } else if (code <= 0x7ff) {
      len += 2;
    } else if (code >= 0xd800 && code <= 0xdfff) {
      // Surrogate pair: These take 4 bytes in UTF-8 and 2 chars in UCS-2
      // (Assume next char is the other [valid] half and just skip it)
      len += 4; i++;
    } else if (code < 0xffff) {
      len += 3;
    } else {
      len += 4;
  return len;
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broofa Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11


[June 2020: The previous answer has been replaced due to it returning incorrect results].

Most modern JS environments (browsers and Node) now support the TextEncoder API, which may be used as follows to count UTF8 bytes:

const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
textEncoder.encode('⤀⦀⨀').length; // => 9

This is not quite as fast as the getUTF8Length() function mentioned in other answers, below, but should suffice for all but the most demanding use cases. Moreover, it has the benefit of leveraging a standard API that is well-tested, well-maintained, and portable.

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derflocki Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 01:11


If you have non-bmp characters in your string, it's a little more complicated...

Because javascript does UTF-16 encode, and a "character" is a 2-byte-stack (16 bit) all multibyte characters (3 and more bytes) will not work:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var nonBmpString = "foo€";
        console.log( nonBmpString.length );
        // will output 5

The character "€" has a length of 3 bytes (24bit). Javascript does interpret it as 2 characters, because in JS, a character is a 16 bit block.

So to correctly get the bytesize of a mixed string, we have to code our own function fixedCharCodeAt();

    function fixedCharCodeAt(str, idx) {
        idx = idx || 0;
        var code = str.charCodeAt(idx);
        var hi, low;
        if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF) { // High surrogate (could change last hex to 0xDB7F to treat high private surrogates as single characters)
            hi = code;
            low = str.charCodeAt(idx + 1);
            if (isNaN(low)) {
                throw 'Kein gültiges Schriftzeichen oder Speicherfehler!';
            return ((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
        if (0xDC00 <= code && code <= 0xDFFF) { // Low surrogate
            // We return false to allow loops to skip this iteration since should have already handled high surrogate above in the previous iteration
            return false;
            /*hi = str.charCodeAt(idx-1);
            low = code;
            return ((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;*/
        return code;

Now we can count the bytes...

    function countUtf8(str) {
        var result = 0;
        for (var n = 0; n < str.length; n++) {
            var charCode = fixedCharCodeAt(str, n);
            if (typeof charCode === "number") {
                if (charCode < 128) {
                    result = result + 1;
                } else if (charCode < 2048) {
                    result = result + 2;
                } else if (charCode < 65536) {
                    result = result + 3;
                } else if (charCode < 2097152) {
                    result = result + 4;
                } else if (charCode < 67108864) {
                    result = result + 5;
                } else {
                    result = result + 6;
        return result;

By the way... You should not use the encodeURI-method, because, it's a native browser function ;)

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frankneff.ch / @frank_neff
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frank_neff Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11
