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Could you recommend a NLP toolkit in Prolog?




I need to parse or tokenize English sentences. Is there any NLP toolkit in Prolog? Thanks.

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question Avatar asked Dec 02 '11 04:12


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1 Answers

Attempto is IMO your best option. The parser is implemented in SWI-Prolog, and has other tools mainly implemented in Java.

Lower level and a little outdated, from SWI-Prolog links page, there is ProNTO. I'm sorry, I've never tried any of these components.

Prolog was born as a natural language processor: but (maybe cause it evolved as a general purpose language) today is not the preferred choice for the task. The Wikipedia page, to be true very incomplete, doesn't report any Prolog toolkit.

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CapelliC Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
