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Could not resolve type name: Glass.Mapper.Sc.Pipelines.Response.GetModel, Glass.Mapper.Sc

I am trying to use Glass Mapper in my MVC - v4.0.30319 project in Sitecore - 7.1.

Following are my Glass Mapper version which I have installed

  • Glass Mapper version -
  • Glass.Mapper.Sc version -
  • Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc version -

when I installed Glass mapper Mvc from nuget it added a config file called (Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc) in App_Config -> include folder

Content of the file is as follows

<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">

        <processor type="Glass.Mapper.Sc.Pipelines.Response.GetModel, Glass.Mapper.Sc"/>


Now when I run my website, it gives me below error (when running the pipeline mentioned in the above config)

Could not resolve type name: Glass.Mapper.Sc.Pipelines.Response.GetModel, Glass.Mapper.Sc (method: Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.CreateType(XmlNode configNode, String[] parameters, Boolean assert))

but the reference is already there?

Am I missing any steps? Could someone please help.

like image 693
Meenakshi Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 07:03


1 Answers

The developer of Glass Mapper has recently moved some classes to a separate MVC assembly and did not change the config file. The class which could not be loaded is now in the Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc assembly, so your config should look like this:

    <processor type="Glass.Mapper.Sc.Pipelines.Response.GetModel, Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc"/>
like image 88
Kevin Brechbühl Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 21:04

Kevin Brechbühl