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Could not resolve the specified constraints for this project: Error: conflict: [email protected] vs 2.0.0



I tried to upgrade my meteor app from 0.8something to and now

Could not resolve the specified constraints for this project: Error: conflict: [email protected] vs 2.0.0

I'm not sure how to proceed. I try to run meteor list and meteor remove but no matter what meteor command I run I get this error.

The steps I did were

  1. run meteor update

updated to Meteor

  1. run mrt migrate-app

got some errors

 Error: The version 1.2.11 of package roles has not yet been migrated
 Error: The version 1.2.0 of package accounts-meld has not yet been
 migrated Error: The version 2.4.13 of package kadira has not yet been
 migrated Error: The version 0.4.8 of package analytics has not yet
 been migrated Error: The version of package momentjs has not
 yet been migrated Error: The version 1.0.2 of package subs-manager has
 not yet been migrated

 If you want to continue, remove the package(s) from smart.json, run
 `mrt install`, and try again. After you have successfully migrated,
 you can add them back but note:   You will NOT receive further
 updates!. See https://hackpad.com/Migrating-Apps-UfPrM192vSQ for more
  1. removed those packages from smart.json and ran mrt install. no errors
  2. reran mrt migrate-app. This time no errors.

But now I can't do anything as I always get the error

 meteor list

Figuring out the best package versions to use. This may take a moment.
Refreshing package metadata. This may take a moment.
Could not resolve the specified constraints for this project:
Error: conflict: [email protected] vs 2.0.0

Please help troubleshoot. Thanks.

like image 242
landland Avatar asked Sep 15 '14 18:09


1 Answers

as I figured out here, perhaps you should try out:

remove all packages, update, add them all back, without the version suffix... pretty easy to do now that they are all single lines in the .meteor/packages file:

sed -e 's/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/meteor remove &/' .meteor/packages | sed 's/\@[0-9\.]*//g' > packages-rm.sh
sed -e 's/ remove / add /' packages-rm.sh > packages-add.sh
bash packages-rm.sh
meteor list  # should be empty
meteor update
bash packages-add.sh
meteor list
like image 99
zeroasterisk Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
