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Could not load Network Link Conditioner preference pane


I installed the latest version of Hardware IO Tools for Xcode (Oct 2013) on OS X 10.8.5. I installed the "Network Link Conditioner preference pane". I get the following error every time I try to run this toolCould not load Network Link Conditioner preference pane`
I tried to re-install the package but got the same error. Who knows how to fix the problem?

My Solution: I've installed OS X Mavericks and that fixed the problem.

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user3045887 Avatar asked Nov 28 '13 12:11


People also ask

What is a network link conditioner?

The tool is called Network Link Conditioner. It is an awesome tool that allows you to simulate different network connections on your Mac, such as WiFi and 3G. You can even set your own custom network connections!

What is Network Link Conditioner Mac?

The Network Link Conditioner on iOS and macOS enables you to test your app in networking conditions like your users might have while using your app. It allows you to simulate networking conditions like 3G, Edge or High Latency DNS.

2 Answers

As said, use Hardware IO Tool for Xcode - Late July 2012.

Installation steps to be sure that it works:

  1. Remove any currently installed Network Link Conditioner preference panes (right-click it in the System Preferences window for the option to delete).
  2. Verify that there is no file called Network Link Conditioner.prefPane in either /Library/PreferencePanes/ or ~/Library/PreferencePanes/; if they're there, remove them by hand.
  3. Empty your trash
  4. Restart your Mac
  5. Then, re-install from the old version mentioned above (from late July 2012).

Having to empty your trash and restart your Mac gives the whole process a nice touch of nostalgia for ex-Windows users, but it really made the difference for me.

like image 83
Wilbo Baggins Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Wilbo Baggins

I had same issue. I downloaded the Hardware IO Tool for Xcode - Late July 2012. It installed without any problem on OS X 10.8.5.

like image 43
bademi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
