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Could not load file or assembly '' or one of its dependencies. An API call exited abnormally


I have a .NET App that I've recently Checked In to Team Foundation Server. Ever since I Checked it in, I get Access Denied to the App folder. I then give security permissions to the impersonated user and receive the error:

Could not load file or assembly 'PMD Image Upload' or one of its dependencies. An API call exited abnormally. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800300FA (STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT))

like image 876
Bruno Avatar asked Sep 27 '11 16:09


People also ask

Could not load the file or assembly or one of its dependencies?

In summary if you get the "Could not load file or assembly error", this means that either your projects or their references were built with a reference to a specific version of an assembly which is missing from your bin directory or GAC.

Could not load file or assembly culture neutral Publickeytoken null or one of its dependencies?

This error usually means that the assembly was not found. Try verifying that the file exists in the directory where your application is running.

Could not load file or assembly VS 2019?

Restart Visual Studio, clean and build a solution. Remove the class library references and add it again. Tools > Import and Export Settings Wizard > Reset all settings (maybe some setting was not well configured).

1 Answers

Impersonate on the web.config was enabled for a user with no privileges on the debug machine. Commented out the impersonate and was able to debug the .NET app.

like image 147
Bruno Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 17:09
