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Could not drop object 'dbo.Table1' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint




Even though I am removing and trying to drop table, I get error,

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table1] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Table1_Table2]

DROP TABLE [dbo].[Table1]


Msg 3726, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Could not drop object 'dbo.Table1' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

Using SQL Server 2012

I generated the script using sql server 2012, so did sQL server gave me wrong script ?

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Mathematics Avatar asked Aug 12 '14 14:08


People also ask

Could not drop object product because it is referenced by a foreign key constraint?

In SQL Server, you cannot drop a table if it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. You have to either drop the child tables before removing the parent table, or remove foreign key constraints.

How do you drop a foreign key constraint in SQL Developer?

You can drop a foreign key constraint using the following ALTER TABLE syntax: ALTER TABLE tbl_name DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_symbol ; If the FOREIGN KEY clause defined a CONSTRAINT name when you created the constraint, you can refer to that name to drop the foreign key constraint.

How do I delete a foreign key constraint in SQL Server?

In the INSERT and UPDATE specifications, select Cascade for the delete rule. Click on Close and save the table in the designer. Click Yes in the warning message window. Once you click on Yes, a foreign key with delete rule is created.

2 Answers

Not sure if I understood correctly what you are trying to do, most likely Table1 is referenced as a FK in another table.

If you do:

EXEC sp_fkeys 'Table1'

(this was taken from How can I list all foreign keys referencing a given table in SQL Server?)

This will give you all the tables where 'Table1' primary key is a FK.

Deleting the constraints that exist inside a table its not a necessary step in order to drop the table itself. Deleting every possible FK's that reference 'Table1' is.

As for the the second part of your question, the SQL Server automatic scripts are blind in many ways. Most likely the table that is preventing you to delete Table1, is being dropped below or not changed by the script at all. RedGate has a few tools that help with those cascading deletes (normally when you are trying to drop a bunch of tables), but its not bulletproof and its quite pricey. http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-toolbelt/

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rjso Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09


Firstly, you need to drop your FK.

I can recommend you take a look in this stack overflow post, is very interesting. It is called: SQL DROP TABLE foreign key constraint

There are a good explanation about how to do this process.

I will quote a response:

.....Will not drop your table if there are indeed foreign keys referencing it.

To get all foreign key relationships referencing your table, you could use this SQL (if you're on SQL Server 2005 and up):

FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE referenced_object_id = object_id('Student')

'ALTER TABLE ' +  OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(parent_object_id) +
'.[' + OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) + 
FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE referenced_object_id = object_id('Student')
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Orlando Herrera Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

Orlando Herrera