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CouchDB Query View with Multiple Keys Formatting





I'm having a problem getting a couchdb view to return the proper documents when using multiple keys.

This works fine, returning the documents that match:

GET http://example.com:5984/myDb/_design/myFilters/_view/getItemByForeignKeyId?key=abc123

This returns returns all documents in the view, matching or not:

GET http://example.com:5984/myDb/_design/myFilters/_view/getItemByForeignKeyId?keys=%5B%22abc123%22%5D

I'm usually very good at hunting down my answers. But, CouchDB documentation is very clear on the format for using multiple keys. I've seen some use the ?keys=[123,123] and i've also seen ?keys="abc","abc".

If anyone can offer any clarification on the 'proper' format and encoding of multiple key queries for CouchDB using a GET method, I would be extremely appreciative.

like image 580
J. Lincoln Avatar asked May 26 '13 20:05

J. Lincoln

2 Answers

To get multiple keys from a view, you need to do a post request and submit the keys in the request body. Your HTTP request will look like this:

POST /myDb/_design/myFilters/_view/getItemByForeignKeyId
Content-Type: application/json

   "keys" : [
like image 181
Kim Stebel Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10

Kim Stebel

        if([doc.key1, doc.key2])
            emit([doc.key1, doc.thingYouWantToKnow]);

and in the query string, at the end

?key=["key1Value", "key2Value"]

Notice that it is key=[], not keys=[] !!!!!!!!!

like image 36
user2006050 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10
